57 The Great Escape (I)

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Long chapter... I know...

Neutral Dimension
06:45 AM
Hall of Heroes - Arcadia
Christmas Day

[POV of Jason]

The frenchman opened the door in which was a room with the wooden paneling of a victorian mansion, it looked like something out of a vintage catalog. There were things in glass cases and statues of unknown figures, One of which looked Like Elizabeth. We went through the rest of the doors, passing what looked like and interesting story that had faded from existence, and ended up in a courtyard. We then walked across the court yard and went through some offices where the General staff were, they looked stressed. The Frenchman then opened a door which took me to NM, he then closed the door behind me. NM's office had weapons in highly decorative cabinets, there were a couple of large humadores loaded with cigars, a fairly large bar in the corner, a second story Library, a glass mosaic roof that depicted St. Michael with several Elizabeths. On the floor was small desks with stacks of forign money and file folders, on other desks were stripped machine guns. The floors were old mahogany wood with some centuries old Persian rugs. There was a small wood stove by his dest which had a coffee pot ontop, His desk was massive and was loaded with papers, there were other cool things of war but they were in shadows. The massive window in the front, the cloudy dark skies limited the light that entered and left the room somewhat gloomy, and the lamps were merely for seeing where you were going. I walked around old crates towards his desk, NM was standing by the window and just gasing out of it. I then looked at the picture frames filled with war medals of all sorts, as I went around his desk it became more apparent that he was older than I was expecting. A board creeked and caused him to look over his shoulder at me, he turned casually and walked towards me. His uniform coat was a dark navy blue, it had a short cape the draped down to his shoulders, his Empauletts were adorned with gold tassel and his 6 bronzed stars shined off his collar. His lapel eagle holding shield and arrows. The buttons on his coat gleamed in their double breasted pattern. His belt had a large holster on the right side and sword on left, and his blue slacks clashed with his brown military boots.

NM: so... you planned to go around military command to get what you want.
Me (Jason): I just needed passage.
NM: It doesn't work like that.
Me (Jason): I know, but I have shit to do...
NM: Hmm, your military record seems to reflect that.
Me (Jason): you shouldn't have that.
NM: *chuckles* your record was on my desk the day you got here.
Me (Jason): Here is a letter from CI that grants me passage.

He took the letter and tore it in half.

NM: I say when you get to go.
Me (Jason): what the FUCK do you want?
NM: 2 purple hearts, 1 bronze star, 3 distinguished service metals, and was on the way to a medal of honor. You threw all of that away for greed. Soldiers like you sicken me.
Me (Jason): Look here motherfucker! I had debts, and they needed...
NM: To hell with your excuses, they get no pitty.
Me (Jason): Either your gonna give me passage, or...
NM: Or what... You'll kill me, you aren't no soldier, you aren't even a mercenary. You are dog, a maggot, a rube.
Me (Jason): I'm leaving...
NM: like your post in Afganistan, to what... try and loot the bodies of your comrades?
Me (Jason): that is not what happened... I tried to save those men, then the goddamn Sergeant that did nothing but rub his dick and hate lower ranking officers... fucked me over. He wrote a fucking report saying I was war profiteering and regularly leaving my post! That fucker lied, and I got a dishonorable discharge for it.
NM: ... Your lies insult me.
Me (Jason): To hell with this...
NM: you aren't allowed to leave yet.
Me (Jason): A man chooses... A slave Obeys...

NM draws his Naval Cutlas, he points it at me.

NM: then you leave me no chice...

A blue flash wizzes around me as the door locks, A sword then landed at my feet. I grabbed it and ran up the narrow staircase lined with books. I raised the sword over my head as he swong at it, he backed up and put his left hand behind his back.

NM: On gaurd you tin soldier!

I then put my amateur fencing skills to use, his face went from impressed to kill. His eyes had iced over and he was taking more risky maneuvers, I then saw my opportunity. I ran through the book cases as I paused time, he was still chasing me though. His warp would not work and my teleport seemed to not work. I sliced the curtain and grabbed it, I swung with it towards the window. I busted through and the sharo cold hit me, the drop had to be atleast 2000 feet. The curtain ripped as I came back towards the window, I then bashed into a lower story window. I rolled until I was flat on my chest, my Tiadidamoma started flashing. The time warped and sent a blue flash across the room, the scenery flashed. I got up and opened the door, soldiers in blue and white doughboy-esque uniforms walked the corridors. There were bodies of soldiers in civil war looking uniforms, they lay riddled with bullets.

Soldier: the lamb has taken up with the false shepard, and Columbia is going to the shambles.
Other Soldier: damned Vox Populi is getting out of control.

I took my chances and ran towards the front, submachine gun fire sprayed around me. The Tiadidamoma then sent another blue wave and threw me into the air. It was back to the way things were, my hands were hit with sharp pain as the snow froze them. I got up and saw a 1942 Harley Davidson WLA, I got on and turned the left grip all the way forward, I then turned the choke on full and hit the kick starter to then push the choke into the 3/4 position, I turned the starter knob on the gas tank to the right and seen the generator light flash, I then slightly turned the accelerator and kick started the bike, I then turned the left knob back and turned off the choke, I pushed down the foot clutch and pushed the jockey shifter forward. I then rode through the hallways as the confused soldiers wondered what was going on. I then slamed through the doors and rode hard down the strip as soldiers tried to man their guns. I then saw the gondola was halfway down the cables, I then saw a small one man catwalk. I rode around the machine gunners and artillery men and got onto the cat walk. I slipped the bike into sixth gear and roared down the cat walk, bullets whizzed by me and howitzer rounds almost caused me to loose balance off the narrow cat walk. As I got to the other side the templar stood with his sword pointed at me, a Vietnam era soldier with two M60s knocked him out of the way and scattered the ground around me. I then slid sideways and released the clutch with and lifted the front tire into the air, I then rode through the ruined alleys between buildings. I then rode hard towards the landing strip, I saw the Gustav cannon rotating.


The ground rattled as the massive shell hit behind me, bricks and shrapnel flew everywhere. I rode towards the plane and and stopped the bike.

Lt. Barnard: move it kid, we gonna get shot to hell out here.

I jumped onto the wing and climbed into the rear cockpit of the Curtiss 2B2C Helldiver with a pin-up devil with the wording "Lil' miss fire" written around it. He then lifted of and quickly ascended.

Lt. Barnard: those Goddamn jets are gonna kill us, I am going to have to make some maneuvers... hold on!

He then went towards the crater hole of the Gustav cannons shot. He then went through it and spun to miss the balloons and propellers on the bottom. He then swooped into the fog, the Jets flew over but couldn't see our light blue top. We then passed Coalton, the city in the sky faded from my view... but not my memory. Lt. Barnard cracked jokes along the way and and did some tricks in the plane, we then landed at the airstrip on the Inter-dimensional's grounds. Lt. Barnard then had me get out of the plane and threw nets ontop of the plane and grabbed his duffle bag.

Lt. Barnard: I have three days leave anyways, hey... if you ever want to catch up, meet me at the banded mare in Arcadia.
Me (Jason): sure... see ya later Barnard.
Lt. Barnard: later, soldier boy!

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