98 The Night that won't End

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JUNE 7th (ND date)
00:05 AM
Radio Tower

[POV of Mad Jack]
[You shook me all night long by AC/DC plays on the radio thanks to Kolten]

Since my uniform was in need of replacement, I was forced to wear some OD green Battle Dress pants and my white undershirt. I just got on my Corcoran Tanker Boots when I heard thumping on the wall. I grabbed my Webley revolver and checked the wall, there were thin spots in it. I out my welsh blade's sheath on my leg and used the blade to carve a hole in the wall, there was another room. I saw that one of the Marines left me his Thompson M1A1 while I was in the shower, I would use it and the six mags to go with, and check this out. The room on the other side of the wall looked ransacked, I noted to myself that there was mention of secretly stored Items in this vicinity... atleast that is what the reports said. I walked throug the room, there was a computer backpack beside a ruined desk... I would use it to collect any information. There was no way up... it would appear that there was only one way out... down. There had to be a secret door around here somewhere, I looked for a button or switch. I then noted that the clock wasn't moving... and under it was a white board that said "don't miss the 4:30 meeting"... that wasn't written there with a marker, but a sharpie. I turned the hands of the clock to 4:30, the filing cabnets slid into the wall and exposed an entrence. I walked through the hole in the wall, it revealed a staircase and barely lit passage. I reached the end of the passage to find a door, it seemed to be made of a high strength metal... that of a bunker. I seen that there was a key code reader, I had no way of finding this code. I used my Welsh blade to take off the panel, inside the panel was wires... nope, I pushed the panel out of the other side to reveal the now exposed lever. I reached through and pushed the lever up and opened the door. I was in... and I felt the sense of impending combat come over me.

ACT II: The Bunker
00:20 AM

I got to cover behind some crates, the guards were pretty shitty at their jobs. It would appear that this was some sort of labratory... the crates around me looked oddly familiar though. I snuck over to another section of crates where a gaurd was standing. I drew my welsh blade, and got real close behind him. I turned him quickly, pushed him to the ground and pushed the blade through his jaw... it was miraculous that he didn't make a sound, he was probably overwhelmed with fear. I dragged the body behind some crates, the same ones I now had to find out about. I flipped open my lighter and found them to be WW2 era Nazi crates, it would appear Radian was using Nazi ideas to fight us now... this would drag the war on forever and had to be stopped. I opened a crate, using my Welsh blade as a prybar was useful, and found it to be loaded with STG-44s I opened one of the other crates and grabbed leather magazine holders and loaded them with loaded mags. I found a carrying strap and applied it to the Thompson I had been carrying and slung it on my back. I then snuck behind a balcony, it overlooked a large, well lit, room. In the large room were stores for electricity, they had been converting H0-220s and ME-262s to electric power and giving them advanced thrusters... this would kill any air superiority we may have.

ACT II: 4th Reich must die!
[Operation: Mincrime by Queensrych plays in background]

I saw soldiers coming my way, they had noticed me, and I opened fire on them with the STG. The shortened 7mm cartridge held all of its punch as the full auto feature made it superior to any Kalashnikov design... more acurate too. The bullets tore the oncoming gaurds but alerted the rest, and therefore blew my cover.  I opened fire on any explosive item I could shoot at, this caused alot of chaos below. I dumped all the mags I had picked up for the STG and therefore dropped the gun. I slung the Thompson M1A1 from my back and shot at any oncoming gaurd/soldier/lab geek, this allowed me to get into the last HO-220 Nazi Jet plane. I turned the thing in circles and shot every target available and completely wrecked this bunker from ever having use again. A door then opened, I then straitened the plane towards the door. The soldiers noticing their mistake began to close the door, this would not stop the added machineguns on my wings from ripping them apart. I then launched at a super speed from the bunker, I had a fantastic view of this city.

Act III: Carpet Run
[Bible Black by Heaven and Hell plays on the radio]

I had only a few moments of awe before reality hit me again. This thing was loaded with light weight bombs, and enough ammo to get me by some small combat. I flew the thing through the layered sections and dropped bombs where I saw necessary, I then saw their industrial area and leveled it with any remaining bombs. Enemy planes attacked me after seeing my deeds, too bad they didn't have an advanced prototype like this. I weeved in and around them and downed as many as was possible... the rest flew to regroup. I stuck my Tiadidamoma model D's scanning module into the console of the plane, once the plane had been completely scanned into my machine I plugged my cord into the Tiadidamoma. I then crash landed the plane on the fifth story of the building on the opposing side of the street from the radio station. These enemy bastards just gave us advanced technology for the price of some bullets and time. I then walked down the flights of stairs and across the street to the radio station. I walked into the radio room where everyone had their guns out.

Mike: where the hell did you go?
Me (Mad Jack): I went into a bunker and stole a goddamn jet plane!
Kolten: that shit is bad ass, you need to say what you did on radio to boost morale.
Me (Mad Jack): sure...
Kolten: we are going to hold off on 2 minutes to midnight by the great Iron Maiden to bring you this story of epic badassery. And here is our crazy badass motherfucker of the hour: Jack 'MAD JACK' Redmunnnnnn!

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