16 Borderlands Pt: 2

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[POV of Skull]
[Number of the beast by Iron Maiden played low in the back ground]

New Haven was just as I remebered it from the first game, it was unreal. Jason waved slightly, then made a cup around his ear, then he with his hand he made the motion that we should go into a prone position. His hearing was on, the sound of gunshots were getting more aparent. We snuck towards the town with haste and caution. Buddy was behind me with his Steyer AUG A3 (Borderlands upgraded) and tapped me on the shoulder, this meant I was supposed to move forward. I saw Hyperion soldiers ripping the place apart, and signalled to Jason that we needed to go in guns blazing. He crawled through a ditch towards me and leaned against a rock.

Jason: [Whisper] want something with more fire power.
Me (Skull): Why would I say no?

Jason then started messing with the buttons on his machine.

Jason: [whispers] how does a M24 SAW sound?
Me (Skull): [whispers] any belt gun is good with me, but how are you going to get it?

He reached to the sky and a blue electified mist appeared above his hands. This confused and amazed everyone, there was a slight feeling like that we were in the presence of a Deity. Then out of nowhere he was holding a M24, he then tossed the gun from his cover towards me. I grabbed it and saw it was already setup to fire, and the gun looked brand new... until the demension transformed the gun to fit the Borderlands atmosphere. I got up and walked towards the town with everyone behind me, this excluded Jay and Mike who were trying to get a better vantage point over the threat. Nako took charge, with his M14 Tanker with Acog, and put up 3 fingers, then 2, then open fire. I heard 6 clicks of the safeties going to fire and a mass of shooting. I then opened fire blasting apart any machine or man that set themselves up as hostiles. I heard the sound of .338 Lapua slapping the helmets of the grunts and snipers that might be a problem, this was all thanks to Jay.

Mike: Hey fuckers, there is another shipment coming, look up.
Mad Jack: I got 'em.

We then saw Mad Jack, with his elegant trench coat flopping in the wind, Aim a WW2 Bazooka at the the prototype of some hyperion plane.

Nako: Is that a prototype version of the BNK3R...
Brax: Yeah, I hated that boss.
Jason: holy shit, he actually hit that.
Mike: (over our earpieces) hey dumb fucks, that thing is coming strait for us, and your friend just shot the thing that was keeping it from crash-fuckin'-landing.
Buddy: fuuuuuuucccccckkkkk.......
Jay: Run you God damned retards.

We all started running, then mad jack passed us and was running super fast and passed us. We looked back and seen it was getting really close, and it was a whole hell of alot bigger than we thought.
We then jumped into the M3 and Jason Floored it.

[Hell bent for leather by Judas Priest came on the radio]

Fuck, fuck, fuck..... I slammed on the clutch and put it in reverse. It trottled up and crashed through the gate and made a 180° spin, this almost caused me to turn the thing on its side, and lifted the left side in the air. When the APC slammed down I stomped the clutch and threw it into first, and before I knew it I was in 5th. I heard the rumble behind us and the back of the M3 started to lift, I then told Mad Jack to get on the turret and see what is going on.

Mad Jack: Oh shit, give this thing all its got.

I then put it into 8th and floored it.

Mad Jack: We are cutting this close, that damn thing is still going int....


The Vehicle started bouncing from the major earth quake that was being caused by the crash.

[1 hour later]

Jay: can we leave?
Me (Jason): No... the machine says it is still charging.
Mad Jack: 10 O'clock, group of vehicles closing in. Sku.... Nako get on the turret.
Me (Jason): Everyone keep cool... it looks like friendlies.

I slowed to 30mph and approached slowly. The cars looked familiar.

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