68 The Old Racers

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Sorry, long chapter... but worth it!

Neutral Dimension
January 1st
22:00 PM
The racing camp - 10 miles southwest of Wolf's ridge.

[POV of Buddy]
[Tush by ZZ-top played over the old intercoms]

I walked through the pits where men and a few women worked on their vehicles, the younger men sat by their cars and drank beer in groups as the older men smoked cigarettes as they set in the cars by themselves. The camp itself was like a carshow, it was loaded with heavily modified classic cars, there were a dozen gas pumps which had vehicles constantly going through them. There was a row of ferraris that varied in condition, and on its side opposite was a row of Lambroginis. Gassers next to ricers and muscle cars next to rally cars, all in harmony except for the fist throwing racers who wore their leather jackets and race suits with pride. I then seen a greaser wrap a chain around his fist and punch a man standing next to his Honda Civic, Another man jumped from his Nissan R34 and slammed his wrench against the greasers head causing another greaser to slide off his 1932 Ford Rat Rod with a lead pipe where the greaser and turner man got into a fight. The muscle car guys got out of their Chargers, Mustangs, and Chevells and ran towards the fight. The truck guys laughed at the fighting as the sports car guys scoffed at it. Motorcyclists leaned on their bikes and watched with malicious intentions, yet it was only on eachother. Skull and I avoided the fight and walked towards RHB. He was talking to Jay and paying no mind to the massive riot going on. When we got closer I noticed the beautiful girl leaning against the car and smoking a cigarette, RHB had a large cigar lit. Jay then noticed us and waved with a large smile, Skull had the fuck off look scrolling acrost his face as I smirked. RHB grinned real big as he leaned on his '73 Dart, he was wearing a chore coat and jeans with western boots as the girl wore a 60's looking blue dress with an odd pendant on the collar. RHB opened his car door and got a bottle of champagne and a box of cordail glasses.

Me (Buddy): how did you win so fast?
Jay: well...
RHB: he unwittingly used illegal components in his car's boost system. All well and good, but hey... you guys got 11th and 12th which is pretty amazing.
Skull: so you're telling me that this bastard cheated?
RHB: No need to be a sore loser, and he would have still won without the boost, and three... the first race is testing your cars tuning... it doesn't even count.
Mad Jack: sorry I'm late... what did I miss.
Skull: no much, nice racing by the way.
Mad Jack: still not sure how I got second and not first.
Me (Buddy): that is something that we will never know...

We then drank the champagne and laughed until the boiled up Jason marched over towards us. His anger became more apparent as the veins in his hands were swollen as his face was red.

Jason: Mr. B sir, I need a garage to fix my car.
RHB: it's bad isn't it...
Jason: ...
RHB: you see the brick building, drive your car there... I'll meet you there.

We skull and I decided to ride in RHB's dart, he pushed the front seat forward so we could climb into the back. The girl and him then got into the car and drove towards the garage and opened it's doors with a button. We drove in and got out, we then looked at RHB's wrecked race cars that all looked half repaired. He then tossed us a couple of Schlitz Beers and went through his Snap-on work bench in pursuit of a tool. Jason pulled into the garage, to say his car looked bad would have been an understatement. His '64 Barracuda's front bumber dragged, his left front wheel was bent, his doors and quarters were caved in as his back glass was in shards, and his hood was holding on by a bent hinge and a bungee cord. Jason slammed the door to shut it but the door fell open. He layed his hands on the hood and looked at his windshield as tears ran down his face. RHB then yelled "hoozah I knew it was here" as he grabbed a device out of the cabinet and walked towards Jason.

Jason: *still in tears* what is tha.. that?
RHB: the Singularity device!
Jason: what does it do?
RHB: you will find out real quickly!

RHB then walked over to Jason and put some round looking device, with some antenna connected to small light bulbs, on Jasons wrist and plugged it into his Tiadidamoma. The machine shined a yellow hue onto Jason's had as it flexed on his wrist.

RHB: aim your hand at your car and lift your hand so that your palm is facing the car.

Jason did as RHB said. A blue beam of swirling light blinded us and the sound of rippling sheet metal filled the room. We took our arms away from our eyes to reveal the '64 Barracuda looking good as new. Jason in astonishment walked to the car and touched it and got a jolt of electricity... he jumped back before trying it againt as the car greeted him back.

RHB: your car got a name?
Jason: yeah, christie.
RHB: Christie, would you kindly start your engine.

The car started and its headlights illuminated the building.

Jason: alright girl, turn off...

The car obeyed, Jason knew that RHB had done alot more than just fix his car.

Jason: what is this machine.
RHB: a slightly altered version of a machine from a video game I once played. It has its quirks but it now runs on your Tiadidamoma... and before you as... yes... it is yours. Caution though: it can reconstruct and deconstruct things to their worst possible condition. Do not attempt to use on people without some pretty messy complications.
Jason: understood...
RHB: well, lets drink...

[2 hours later]

Brax, Nako, Mad Jack, Kolten, Mike, Jay, and Bad Bax (whom was acting as a mechanic here at the camp) joined up with us and drank and heard tail of some racing veterans who would be coming in the following days as we waited for the preparations of the second race.
[Crazy train by Ozzy Osbourne plays on speakers]
A group of cars came into the gates, the cars had a specific macho look to them that gave the impression of veteran. The 1969 Dodge Charger 500 stopped infront of us, its quarter panels had rivets and well done welds. The paint was a dull black that was fading to a dark gray, and its Cragar SS wheels shined as did the few chrome parts on the car, its police bumper in the front gave it a mean look. The man emerged from the car, his hair formed an unkept Kennedy look. His jacket was greaser leather center with, vietnam era, tiger stripe camo sleeves. In cursive on his left breast it read in cursive "Hale". His won races displayed on his sleeves as the devil patch on his back read "Hale to the king... Baby!". His faded black denim jeans went with his black boots with white crosses on their sides. His sunglasses reflected our faces as he grinned with the burnt out match stuck in his teeth.

RHB: this is Bart Shelten Hale, a top racer for our side.
Bart Hale: thank ya, thank ya very much R baby... I have come here from Reno... and I plan to race my way!
Jason: Nice to meet ya...
Bart Hale: yea man...

Bart sounded and acted as if he were some Elvis impersonator yet gave off qualities hardness. The red 1968 Ferrari 365 that tailed Mad Jack then pulled behind then Charger.

A woman in a red race suit got out and pranced towards us, her red hair caught the wind as her hazel eyes and red lipstick became the contrast to her tanned skin.

RHB: this Fluor Delphine, she is French but...
Fluor: I race for Ferrari, and before you... Americans lay your greasy hands on my suit... I don't date racers.
Bart Hale: Babe, I wouldn't fuck your stuck up ass if I put a brown bag over your head.
Fluor: eeck, filthy Americans...
Woman in blue dress: what an example of class...
Bart Hale: oh, hey there baby...
RHB: No Hale... off limits, being my daughter and all.
Woman in blue dress: hmm...

Fluor then drove away and attempted to dust us but only slung mud onto her rear quarters.

Me (Buddy): I'm guessing she is on the Radian team...
RHB: correct...
Brax: Nako... you know what I'm thinking...?
Nako: I'll grab the candy...
Brax: meet you in her bedroom...

The two ran off as we shared a chuckle. RHB lit another cigar, it smelled of Rum and Mahogany.
[Mental Health by Quiet Riot came on the speakers]
Bart Hale then went to his car and opened the trunk, got a cardboard box and layed it on his hood. He then tossed us Denim Jackets with our names and the Regulated Racing emblem on the back, we adorned these jackets with our own personal touches as we drank and watched a movie from the big outside screen. Porky's has to be the funniest movie ever made.

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