Backstories 23 (I)

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520 Years Ago
Bahlthalla war
Siberia - Валгалла (Valgalla)
Dimension- BHL 8239465104...
06:22 AM

[POV of NM]

The fighting was fierce, blood was on the snow... we had fought for three days to gain these 600 feet from the city. We had been intrenched  in the snow, my men were too angry to be cold... even if it was -20°C, that and half of the troops were soviets. An agreement with Hyperion tech was in the works, their New-U stations would help the fight immensely... at the moment we were thawing my men out and injecting them with the revive serum that Dr. Foriegnton had made. It was 1000 yards to the bridge that would allow us to enter the castle, and today was the day we would take that 1000 yards. We had used tanks before to only take hard points, but today we were going to used every possible piece of Armour and Aircraft I had in my Nearly unlimited arsenal. The B-17 bombers would be over us in ten seconds... followed by constant runs from our dive bombers (P-51s, Spitfires, Stukas, and Zeros), fighters (Douglas, Fokewulf, Fokker), and gun ships (Puff the magic dragon, and Black Cats) and other planes. Our wide variety of WW2 era tanks would then roll over our trench lines and give us cover to advance. Before I could finish my train of thought the B-17's leveled most of the hard points with their heavy bombs, the tanks then rolled over our trench. All of the soldiers, including me, jumped from the trench and stayed close behind the tanks as they advanced. Men with shotguns jumped into enemy trenches as we came by them and quickly swept them, machingunners crawled onto the tanks and set down heavy fire on MG positions, Rifle men took pop-shots at distant troops, snipers had been taking care of enemy snipers that set in the towers of the castle... that was my WW1 troopers anyways, the Soviets ran at the castle and dropped like flies until they finally took cover. What would have taken us days, only took 45 minutes of a hard advance. We were at the castle gates, An M3 Stuart tank started across the bridge, unfortunately with the weight and sudden explosion of the tank... a section of the bridge was gone.

1st Lt. Jacks: Dah, here Geenarall!
Me (NM): Hand it over.

The soviet Lieutenant handed me his radio phone.

Me (NM): calling all tank crews, this is NM. I want all of you to aim high on the castle and get ready.
Tank crews:... ready on your command.
Me (NM): 3... 2... FIRE!

the line of about fifty tanks lit up the front of the castle, this caused entire walls to fall off of it.

Me (NM): Adjust your aim... Ready........ FIRE!

The tanks fired again and tore massive holes in the castle... this virtually turned the castle to an instant ruin, another round of this and it would collapse. A man with a white flag emerged from the other side of the bridge.

Enemy soldier: *yelling* Mr. Bahltalla wishes to speak with General NM! We could use some of your medics... many of our men are dying.
Me (NM): *Yelled* Alright, I'm coming, I will bring my Medics and some soldiers... If you attempt to fire on us these tanks will make that castle a tomb!
Enemy Soldier: *yelled* We will not open fire on you!
Me (NM): alright, Alpha team and medics on me. Any other teams prepare for an anbush.

I, along with alpha team and the medics, went towards the bridge. The utility crew set down 2×4s, to cover the hole, and riveted them into the bridge. We entered the ruined courtyard of the castle, dead men lay all around this area. The reason I agreed to bring my medics was because I was a liberator... not an imperialist. I had no interest in unnecessary death, but instead had interest on how people would view us. Soldiers were ordered to be nice to civilians, even offer little kids chocolate, and take as many surrenders as we could... they wouldn't be held for long, didn't do well to dwell on that situation. We entered the main hall, there we saw Bahlthalla setting in his throne, the dying lay on the massive tables that lined the hall. Other wounded soldiers set on benches next to the dying, they had no interest in fighting anymore. I had my troops surround the hall incase anybody got wise ideas, I wanted the war to be over. I walked towards Bahlthalla's throne. My Soviet and WW1 troopers had taken 200 miles in a month, a great feat that should not be overlooked... these men were beat though. I had lost hundreds of troops and was able to revive thousands... the ones I lost were too far gone to repair. Bahlthalla, looked down at me.

Bahlthalla: You... Soldier... You are the one who caused my people much pain?
Me (NM): we offered truce, you would not accept, we offered many times for your men to surrender... they refused... we had to kill many more men than we wanted.
Bahlthalla: Hmm, you sound like a man who is tired of war...
Me (NM): oh, I'm never tired of war, I'm tired of the ruthless hoardes that are willing to senselessly fight for a man who nary give a shit about them. I'm tired of writing families that their sons and daughters died fighting you, and burying the enemies dead. But DO NOT think that I grow weary with the never ending war, I will plant any enemy bastard 6 feet under... and without mercy. Unlike you, I fight alongside my men, and am willing to get dirty.
Bahltalla: you humor me, your talk is that of a propper military man and your conduct is that of a barbaric warrior. You've seen my newly made cities of steel, their ways... of the future.
Me (NM): And soon it will be liberated, and under our control.
Bahlthalla: well then, let not us wait. Out battle shall be Legendary!

Bahlthalla stood from his throne and drew a massive Norse sword, I drew my saber (wrist breaker) and put my left hand behind my back... as he approached I got into a propper fighting stance. He swong his sword hard at my left, with the handle above my head and the blade pointed down, I blocked it. He swong hard again at my left this time I lept back as the blade zoomed past my chest. I then swong in a narrow Z pattern and made light lacerations in his chest.

Bahlthalla: you fight as if this is a game.
Me (NM): and you fight as if you are going to win.

Angered he swong his sword like a madman, this only wore him down as I hastily dodged his harsh and slow swings. It was my time to kill him, I lacerated his right arm with a fast swing. He stumbled back, then I swong at his left at his leg and opened a gaping wound below his knee which caused him to fall. I spun in completely around and shoved my sword through his chest, his sword fell to the ground.

Bahlthalla: at least I died by the hands of a warrior.

He fell limp, I put my foot on his massive chest and pulled my sword from his pierced heart, his corpse fell to the ground.

Sgt. Bernard Hastings: what shall I do with the bodies sir.
Me (NM): Burt them, put their dog tags on the crosses I had made... let the people mourn their dead as we'll mourn ours.
Sgt. Bernard Hastings: yessir.
Lt. Johnathan Madis: sir, there is an infant in the large bedroom.
Me (NM): and so war will never end... let RHB take care of it. How old is he?
Lt. Johnathan Madis: a couple of months I think.
Me (NM): I heard RHB was looking to put a kid with a family going to New York.

I thought about it... I ain't no child killer, but if he was anything like his father... he's gonna be a problem. And knowing RHB's sentimentalism... he's gonna give this place right back to that kid, after he bulldozes everything that has to do Bahlthalla. I looked into the kids name. Radschidell Bahltalla...

Me (NM): ey, Lieutenant.
Lt. Johnathan Madis: sir.
Me (NM): name that kid Radian and get him outta here.

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