Instead of bringing a hand up to my speeding heart,I returned his smile and waved back.

When Carson and Hayden noticed that their third friend hadn't been responding to the conversation,they wore matching furrowed brows as they looked at each other before shifting their eyes to Johnny,taking a second to follow his line of sight before they too,we looking at me.

With the same grin on their faces,Carson and Hayden looked at each other again and exchanged suggestive looks.

I averted my eyes to the ground,trying to hide my flaming cheeks behind my open hair as I tightened my grip on the strap of my backpack before finally being able to move a foot forward,the other following and soon,I had pushed open the heavy doors and been hit by the commotion in the hallway.

I'd spent about three minutes at my locker,trying to organise it in order of the books I'd need for all my classes.

As I shut it,successfully grabbing the things I'd be needing for first period,I jumped behind a little with a small gasp,a hand clutching my chest as I tried to calm the sudden adrenaline of my heartbeat.

"Hey,I'm sorry,I didnt mean to scare you."

Johnny stood by the locker next to mine,his side leaning against it as he watched me with amused eyes and a small grin,looking friendly and equally sorry.

"No - no,its cool,dont apologise. Just an unexpected scare.",I shook my head with a breath of chuckle.

"Well,I still feel bad for the mini heart attack I just gave you,",he gave out a small chuckle of his own,making my heart stop for a second at how warm the sound of his laughter was despite his voice being deep.

"I wanted to thank you for lending me a pencil yesterday.",he said.

My cheeks heated up just the slightest,he did thank me yesterday,in class and after it,that makes it two times already. And it was only a pencil.

"Oh! Um,yeah ‐ you dont have to. Really,",I tried to keep my voice straight.

"So,what's your name? I didn't get a chance to ask yesterday.",he wore his warm,small smile again.

"Y/n,",I managed to say without stuttering.

He nodded,"Johnny."

I left out on telling him that I already knew who he was,not wanting to tell him that I'd unintentionally heard his conversation with his friends yesterday during lunch by the bleachers.

Even though he'd already seen me.

Before I could say anything,the doors opened again,some students entering but four of them stood out,looking easily distinguishable as they walked in,either because it was the vibe that they gave,or that the heads in the hallway were turned to look at them longingly.

Hayden and Carson managed to gather a dozen pair of eyes just like yesterday,only difference was that they had two girls walking between them today.

One was brunette,the other was a dirty blonde.

Nonetheless,I could tell why the boys couldn't get their eyes off the beautiful duo as they walked with the two charming boys,not really caring that they'd attracted so many eyes.

"Um,",I pointed with my finger and gave Johnny an uncertain smile.

He turned his head around,looking in the direction I'd pointed in before his brows rose in recognition,watching as his friends made their way down the hall.

"Well,your cue's here.",I half smiled,trying not to think about the twinge of disappointment I suddenly felt.

He looked back at me,"You can join us. What's your first period?"

Johnny Orlando ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now