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-Heather's P.O.V

"She's going to be okay, right?"

"I think so, I mean I watched my mom do this a few times."

"Wait, she's not going to be okay?"

"Shut the fuck up yes she is, if she dies I'm not taking the blame. I'll take her bedroom though, she's got the biggest one in the house."

"You can't kill her, what the hell someone still needs to cook food for me and do my laundry!"

I stirred around on the soft surface below me, my body feeling stiff as if I couldn't move. The voices were now hushed, whispering harshly at each other. I cracked my eye open, seeing darkness around me. I rubbed it roughly, my vision clearer. I was home, on my couch. I rolled my head to the side, Niall and Luke whispering at each other.

"Where is everyone?" They looked over at me, Luke cleared his throat running his hands through his messy hair that was sticking up in every direction.

"Maddie is sleeping and dad is at the doctors with mom." I frowned, my mom hasn't been to the doctors in a long time unless she was really sick, I looked at Luke in confusion. "Just for a uh check up." He muttered rubbing the back of his neck, I nodded, not believing him.

"You're awake." I looked at Niall, smiling and nodded reaching for his hand. His hand was warm and rough, but it felt nice against my small one. It was silent for a few minutes, just staring around the room. I looked between Luke and Niall, realizing how much they looked alike. Bright blue eyes, blonde hair, pierced lip. How is this possible?

"Well, I will go check on the food." Luke spoke awkwardly, getting up from the coffee table and leaving the living room. Once he was gone, Niall leaned forward kissing me hard on the mouth, taking me by surprise.

"I'm glad you're okay." He leaned his forward against mine, his eyes fluttering. I placed my hand on the back of his head, massaging his scalp lightly.

"Are you okay?" I whispered, clearing my throat so my voice wasn't so raspy and low.

"I thought I was going to lose you or something, I was so scared but I'm glad you're okay." I smiled softly at him, bringing him in for one more kiss before he sat on the ledge of the couch next to me, keeping our hands together. "Luke bandaged up your side, nothing broken just swollen."

"Since when did he become a doctor?" Niall chuckled rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

"Don't know babe." He wore a green Oklahoma jumper with his gray joggers, his hair flat down. I loved his hair down, he just looked so much older and cute and cuddley. I continued staring at him as he stared down at our hands, a small smile on his face.

"Mommy!" I looked over seeing Maddie's hair all over the place, her big blue eyes wide and full of happiness. I released Niall's hand opening my arms allowing her to hug me. I ignored the pain in my side, holding my daughter in my arms, tightly against me. She didn't like hugging for long, she wiggled away from me, looking at Niall. "Daddy!" He picked her up, wrapping his arms around her.

"Daddy?" I looked up at Luke, who's arms were crossed and eyes wide. I cleared my throat, sitting up, ignoring the throbbing in my side.

"Luke, don't freak out." I hissed quietly, sitting up straight next to Niall who was whispering to Maddie, hearing her giggle. I stood up from the couch, grabbing Luke's wrist and dragging him into the kitchen leaving Niall and Maddie alone.

"Are you fucking serious Heather?" He hissed quietly, hands placed on the counter.

"What's the problem Luke? It's not a big deal, Maddie looks up at him like a father, he wants to be her father." I told him calmy, making sure to keep my voice low. He sighed loudly.

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