"Aw is my wittle baby jealous?" I crossed my arms and let out a huff, his chuckle vibrating throughout his body. "Do you think it's the bangerz tour because she gets banged?" I stopped walking and looked up at Niall before I bent over clutching my stomach and laughed, extremly hard. I fell onto my knees, not being able to control myself, literally, who would ask a question like that? Of course Niall would.

After five minutes of laughter, Niall cleared his throat letting me know that he was annoyed and getting tired of it. I stood up clearing my throat before locking our fingers together once more, biting my lip to stop myself from laughing. But I couldn't help, I let out a bark of laughter and that's when Niall let go of my hand, walking a fast pace leaving me behind.

"Niall." I called, he ignored me and continued walking. I sighed jogging towards him, my arms wrapping around his waist as I stumbled slightly, looking up at him. "I'm sorry, forgive me?" I pouted, he looked down at me with a serious expression before letting out a sigh of relief and kissing me on the forehead.

"It really wasn't that funny, you know." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, my short arm wrapped around his waist. I looked up at him, smiling.

"Niall it was hilarious, seriously." I told him, he shook his head smiling. We ended up going for walk after our dinner, which was a large plate of Ragitoni with some chocolate covered strawberries, and a nice bottle of champagne. He suddenly stopped walking, stepping in front of me making me look up at him confused.

"Are you okay?" He placed his hands onto my shoulders, looking deep into my eyes. I knew he didn't mean as if I was legit okay, he was asking if I was okay about the Collin situation. I sighed, nodding slowly.

"I'm, I think I'm doing better about the whole situation." I told honestly, even though I was still terrified, he pulled me into his arms, his chin resting on my head. I burried my face into his chest, letting out a heavy sigh.

Niall and I stepped inside the house quietly, all the guys were sitting on the couch drinking beer and watching TV, Hanna must be asleep.

"Hey ginger." Louis whispered, I gave him the middle finger as Niall chuckled quietly, dropping my heels onto the floor with a clunk. "Mate pack yourself an over night bag, we're camping out tonight." Niall frowned at him, but he had to go, I had to set up for the party tomorrow.

"I was suppose to spend the night with Heather." Louis looked at me shrugging, I turned towards Niall, holding onto both of his hands.

"You should go tonight, the guys need their brother tonight, it'll be fun for you." He hesitated for a moment before he slowly nodded, letting out a deep breath. I dragged him up the stairs quietly as I pulled out the hair clip, running my hand through my hair as we entered the room.

"Well, better pack a bag." He sighed heavily, I shut the bedroom door before grasping his face in my hands, a strange sound coming from his mouth. He suddenly became aware and placed his hands onto my hips, allowing me to kiss him. I pulled back, seeing a light shade of red around him mouth from the lipstick.

"Thank you for tonight." I whispered, standing on my tippy toes so I could kiss him once more before stepping backwards, a wide smile on his face.

"Anything for you baby." He smiled before packing his bag. I shimmied out of the dress and dug through Niall's dresser drawer, his arms crossed an eyebrow raised. "What are you doing missy?" I pulled out a pair of his plaid boxers, pulling them up my legs.

"Wearing your boxers." I grinned at him, he shook his head laughing at me. I pulled on a sports bra, reaching back to unclasp the bra, tossing it onto the floor. I grabbed the make up wipes, wiping it off my face.

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