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      I hurried to Derion as he struggled to stand. The young dragon was dripping blood from his wounds, but amazingly, his wings weren't broken. I figured he would be alright, seeing as how he didn't have any serious wounds on him. Yulion wasn't doing much better, as he just remained on the ground, moaning and struggling to stand. I turned to see Amy rushing over to Veracon, calling out his name. 


I ran to her side as Tahli tended to Cumano. Veracon had several wounds on his neck, though thankfully, none had been deep enough to be fatal. The claw on his left wing had been snapped off in the fighting, but other than that, no permanent injuries were visible. 

"He'll be okay. Stay with him a while." I said to Amy as she knelt down beside him.

"Tahli?" I called out.

Tahli turned from Cumano as he struggled to his feet and came over to me.

"How are the others?" She asked.

"They're fine. Veracon lost a claw, but they should all be okay." I replied.

"Wont this happen again? We're lucky none of them died." Tahli said.

"It shouldn't. Dragons mate for life according to historical documents. So unless one of a mated pair dies, they will never separate."

"But can't one of the male dragons challenge another for his mate?" Bailey said trying to sound smart.

"He will only do that if the female shows that she is open to a new mate, which she wont do as long as her current mate is alive." I replied.

I went over to Doron to to check on his wounds. He had taken the worst beating of all seven of them. He had a large scar over his right eye that was bleeding profusely, as well as several burn marks and gashes on his side. His left wing has a small rip in it from a claw, though it wasn't very large and would heal with time. He purred as he pressed up against my chest, before turning back to Magar.

"How's he doing?" Jonah asked as he walked up behind Bailey and I.

"Yeah, he's alright. A little beat up though. I'm surprised that none of them died during that fight. Seven dragons trying to kill each other, and all seven survived. That's lucky." I said in reply.

Derion stumbled back and forth as he went to the edge of a pond to drink, while Cumano sat in the shade to lick his wounds. Yulion managed to take off briefly before dropping out of the air and crashing into a river running down the center of the valley.

"Is Veracon alright?" Jonah asked as we watched him struggle to get up.

"He took a nasty beating, but no lethal wounds. He should be alright. They should all be able to fly again in a few days. For the next week or so we've got to leave the ones who have connected alone though. Even though we've bonded with them, the males will still get aggressive if we get to close." I said as I widened my eyes as I explained to Bailey.

"So we can't go flying?" She asked, sounding disappointed.

"Just for a little while." I replied as I patted her on the head.

Just then, Tahli came running.

"Veracon should be okay, he's up and moving. He might feel a bit bad about his defeat for a while though, so it would be best that we leave him with Amy for the next week or so." She said as she stopped in front of us.

"Yes, I agree with that for sure." Jonah added.

"It's getting dark. We should get a fire going and get to sleep for the night. We can't bother Doron or Ragon so we'll just have to sleep out in the open." I said.

Later that night, as I was laying in the cool, crisp blades of grass, I took notice of the sound of Magar yawning. I just hoped, and prayed, with everything I had in me, that they're lives would one day, mean something.

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