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      We flew until the sun started to come up. My eyes were heavy, my body weak and shaking from lack of energy. I could feel Dorons muscles pulsating below his thick scales. As the sun started to come up, my eyes were assaulted by light as the sun peaked up over the horizon. 

"Hey Doron, think you can fly through the day? I've gotta get some rest." I said.

He titled his head slightly, before looking back out ahead of him. I wrapped some rope around Dorons massive quills and strapped myself to his back to prevent myself from falling off. I dosed off rather quickly. I woke several hours later in the pitch dark. It was obvious that we weren't flying. I loosened the ropes with considerable effort, then climbed down off Dorons side. He had landed beside a small lake and fallen asleep. I sat up against his wing and fell partially asleep, until several hours later I felt Doron start to move. He woke just as the sun started to show itself, the light reflecting off the lake was far to harsh to look at.

"Sleep good?" I asked as he stretched his wings.

He groaned as he raised his head and turned to look at me. I walked back to mount him, as he lowered his wing for me to climb. We took off again and continued heading for our army.

2 Days Later 

We managed to make the trip in only a few days, as the dragons could fly much faster than any horse to gallop. We flew over the inconceivably massive army as they slept in the early morning. We came down beside Veracon and Ragon as they slept with Micha and Tahli by their sides. As I dismounted Doron, I turned to see Micha walking up to me as she rubbed her eyes.

"Well? How'd it go?" She asked.

"Not to great. He basically said that he would have all three dragons slaughtered and our army, enslaved or killed". I said with a sarcastic tone.

"I take it you didn't take him seriously?"

I snickered.

"After the short but sweet conversation we had, i'd say he's the one who feels he should be watching his back." I said. 

Just then Tahli came walking up.

"Hey! How'd it go?"

"Let's just say, there's no turning back." I said.

Later that day, as I returned from a hunt with Doron, I came to find Micha sitting beside Veracon,  looking unsettled.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Just nervous. We have been sitting here for what feels like an eternity. Why can't we just kill the king and get this over with?" She asked.

"We can't just run in and attack. We could be ambushed, or surrounded. We'd never stand a chance. We have to attack when they aren't expecting it". I replied.

"So, what's stopping us now"? She asked.

I hesitated briefly. 

"Them." I said while motioning to the dragons.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"If we aren't careful, one of them could get hurt, or killed. We can't have that happen."

She gave me a puzzling look.

"The longer we wait, the longer they have to prepare for a fight, the longer they have to figure out how to kill us." Micha said.

"She's right."

I turned to see Tahli walking over to us from Ragon.

She continued.

"The king had his chance to say his piece. He had his chance, he blew it. Now, it's time we make good on our word to him." Tahli said.

"When?" I asked.

"I say we take off tomorrow. Move the entire army to within twelve hours ride from the kings home, send a scout to check that we have a clear path, then attack with full force." She said.

"If you both agree with that, I guess i'm on bored to. We set off at dawn as the sun rises then." I said.

I paused.

"I just hope that my little encounter with king didn't ruin our chances. Either I scared him into submission, or I awoke a sleeping giant." I said.

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