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6 Months Later

      The dragons were now getting much much bigger. They were able to do the hunting for us, which saved us a lot of time and kept us mostly out of danger. They were around ten feet long, and their wings were around fourteen feet wide. They still shared the cave with us, though I had let up on tethering them to the rocks as they now knew that they were not to leave the cave without my permission. It was rather humbling to have these three beasts yield to my command, when they could so easily.

We hadn't been back to he village since we left, in fact we hadn't even ventured more than half a days walk in any direction since we found the cave.

"Jess... Why are we still here? Does this have a purpose? And what do we do with the dragons now that they are growing?" She asked as Ragon pressed his head up against her arm. She turned and smiled at him as she rubbed his nose. 

"We have to wait for them to get big enough to big enough." I said while looking out at the forest.

"For what?" Micha asked.

I paused for a moment.

"For them to fight." I said 

She looked at me with a surprised look.

"You still want to use them to fight? What if they get hurt? Or even killed?!" Micha protested.

"They wont if they get big enough. Another three or four years and they should be big enough, with strong enough flame to destroy the military." I said.

"Why can't we just live the rest of our lives here? With the dragons? Why go back?" Micha asked.

"And leave everyone else behind? To suffer, be killed, stripped of their rights, their entire lives?" I exclaimed back to her as Veracon pushed his head under my arm and purred furiously as he rubbed up against my side. 

I looked up towards the cave, where Doron was just sitting there with his head resting on his wing, his eyes closed.

"He never seems to wanna do anything. He just sits around all day, unlike these two." Micha said.

I shrugged my shoulders and began walking up the ramp, to find Doron just sitting there, He looked at me briefly, then suddenly snapped his head up in alert, along with Veracon and Ragon. Doron spread his wings and took off into the forest, followed closely by Ragon and Veracon.

'Where are they going?!" Micha exclaimed.

"I don't know." I said.

They flew away in the same direction together without looking back.

"Doron! Ragon! Veracon!" I yelled.

But it was no use. Before long, all three of them had faded away into the clouds.

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