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      I Doron and I took off, veracon close behind us, and finally, Tahli and Ragon got off the ground. The three dragons formed up with each other, and started up.

"Hang on to those quills, whatever you do, don't let go!" Micha called out to Tahli.

"Hey guys, let's go above the clouds! I was up there before, it's amazing!" I called out in excitement. 

We ascended up above the clouds, the air was cool and crisp, thick, and smooth as it passed between my fingertips and my hair. For a short while, I felt nothing but freedom, happiness, and an overwhelming sense of calm I had never felt at any point before in my life. I had my own dragon, my sister had hers, and my old friend had hers. Three dragons, three riders. With these three dragons, we would change the course of life for our people, who had their freedom and their rights stripped from them a century ago. But there was still work to do, and time to wait.

We flew through the clouds for hours, dropping down to just above the treetops to high above the clouds several times. Tahli looked rather afraid of falling off Ragon at first, but after a while, she started to get more and more comfortable, and worked up the guts to sit up on Ragons back. We flew until the sky started to change from blue to orange pink with the sun set. The view was stunning, not like anything you could ever hope to see from the ground. It just scared me to think that one day, soon, these three majestic creatures would be fighting, rather than soaring above the clouds.

Hours later, after the sun had already gone down, we landed back at the cave, and dismounted the dragons. I took Tahli up to the cave to show her where she would be staying for a while. She and Micha shared a ledge, while I kept mine to myself.

"So... When are we going to use them to liberate ourselves?" Tahli asked.

"When Veracon and Ragon are large enough to hold up in a fight. Doron is bigger, and stronger. He can hold his own and can't be hurt as easily. The other two aren't." I said.

"How long will that take?" Asked Tahli.

"Probably six months to a year i'm guessing. Once they as big as Doron is now, they will be large enough. Then, and only then, will we do it. Until then we wait." I said.

We sat around the fire we had made, Veracon and Ragon sleeping outside, Doron's head lay on the cave floor at my feat, a tired look in his eyes.

"Doron, sleep." I said as I placed my hand on his nose.

He looked up at me, nudged my slightly with his snout, then went down to the forest floor and quickly fell asleep along side Veracon and Ragon. I turned back to Tahli and Micha.

"So... now we have to learn to master riding them... we will find a way, somehow, to do this. We WILL kill the king, and we WILL serve justice to our people." I said firmly.

Tahli and Micha's facial expressions said that my eyes had a crazy look in them. Never the less, they nodded their heads in agreement.

"That's enough, we've got to sleep now. Tomorrow, first thing in the morning we're going up. Sleep good you too." I said.

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