"A lot of stuff, you really good at the Fray." I nodded, maybe I could play again. I let out a deep breath, playing the piano to the song 'Never say never.' I bit my lip in concentration when I heard more foot steps come into the room, I hummed along to the song, when I heard Louis start to sing. He had an amazing voice, like really amazing. I wonder if Niall could sing.

When I hit the last note, everyone started cheering and clapping as I blushed furiously.

"Wow, you have to teach me how to do that." Louis demanded, I rolled my eyes nodding before I stood up walking towards Niall.

"Never told me you could play piano." He told me, wrapped his arm around my should as we walked back into the living room.

"Never knew I did." He nodded, when the guys came out with Lola.

"Come on mate, were going out." Niall nodded leaning down giving me a passionate kiss, I smiled.

"I'll see you later, I love you." He whispered, I smiled.

"And I love you, go have fun." He nodded slipping on his shoes before they all left, leaving me alone with Lola. I plopped down on the couch before she sat next to me smirking, twirling her pink hair.

"So, give me all details of last night."


It was one o'clock, and still no sign of the guys and Niall. Lola had fallen asleep around eleven, we didn't do much besides eat and talk. I was starting to worry, what if Niall was drinking? I jumped as I heard the door swing open, with a girl giggling loudly. I looked over seeing all of them drunk, including Niall.

There was a blonde haired girl under his arm while he was whispering in her ear, making her giggle.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't control him." Liam apologized, I shook my head giving him a small smile before Liam carried Lola up stairs, the guys followed.

"Hey, whatsss up." Niall slurred sitting on the couch with the blonde on his lap, I clenched my jaw grabbing her wrist dragging her towards the front door pushing her out. "What was that for?" Niall whined, I slammed the door walking towards him.

"Are you serious Niall? You said you wouldn't drink." I snapped crossing my arms, he rolled his blood shot eyes.

"Shut the hell up, you aren't my mom."

"Doesn't matter who I am, but you promised me." I spoke sitting on the coffee table.

"Who cares? Nobody keeps a damn promise." I felt the lump form in my throat.

"And the fact that you brought another girl here? What the hell Niall?" I snapped raising my voice, he stood up as I did the same, his breath hitting against my face.

"Heather stop right there, don't even go further. She was a girl I met, it's not like I was going to fuck her or something." He hissed, I stepped back a few steps shaking my head.

"I bet if I wasn't here to stop you, you would already be in bed with her. Am I right?" I asked, he stood there staring at me, not speaking. "I said, am I right." I spoke slower, before I knew it I was pushed against the wall, his body hovering over mine. I was so scared.

"Don't fucking raise your voice at me, do you understand? And yeah, I probably would have fucked her if you didn't stop me. Do you think I would care? No." He growled, I could feel my eyes brim with tears, so last night meant nothing to him.

"What's the matter with you?" I sobbed, he glared at me. I shook my head walking past him only for him to grip my arm.

"Where the hell are you going?" He growled, pulling me against his chest, my throat seemed to close as if I couldn't speak. He threw me on the couch, his body on top of mine when he forced his lips onto mine. It was rough, nothing like our usual kisses.

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