"Uh..he left, told me to tell you, was about to but you've bet-" "yeah, yeah, whatever." Louis said, waving the boy off and headed out the class.

"Marcel?" Louis asked as he saw the boy putting his book in his locker. "Hey, why did you run out?" Louis asked, leaning against the locker beside Marcel's. "I didn't run out, I walked out and headed to my locker." Marcel replied.

"But, I usually walk out with you-" "Uh, Louis?" A girl, Holly she's called. "What?!" Louis asked, annoyed that he got interrupted. "S-sorry to bother you. But, you're leaning on my locker." Holly replied.

Louis sighed dramatically, moving in front of Marcel. "Thank you." Holly mumbled, smiling softly at Marcel. "Don't look at him, I'm having a conversation with him, do what you've got to do." Louis said. "Now-"

Marcel cut him off, "now nothing." He said, walking away to get his lunch. "Marcel!" Louis called. "Marcel, why are you being like this?" He asked.

"Why do you even care? Huh?" Marcel asked, noticing that all eyes were on the couple. "Why do i-what? Marcel of course I care? I love you and you know that! What's wrong with you?" Louis asked.

"That's the question isn't it? The big question. What is wrong with me, Louis? Huh? Why do people at this school pick on me? Is it because I'm nerdy? I get good grades? I'm not confident to defend myself? Or is it because my boyfriend thinks I'm nothing without him?" Marcel asked causing Louis sighed.

"Look, I didn't mean to offend you, let's just forget about this-" "no." Marcel said shaking his head. "Let's no forget about this, I've had enough, Lou. I'm sick of being seen so big when I'm with you, people thinking our relationship is seen as a joke, and you saying that...it makes me believe that it's true. I'm done, I'm done with this, I'm done with you." Marcel explained and walked off, leaving Louis standing in the middle of the hall himself.

After lunch, Louis headed to chemistry class, without Marcel as he's avoided him.

Louis sighed as he headed into class, people doing the usual stuff, avoiding his gaze, holding their breaths until he walked past.

He was about to place his bag down next to Marcel as he was his partner, until he saw Marcel's best friend, Niall. "Uh, move." Louis said, nodding his head to the direction of the front of the class room.

"No." Niall said, continuing to write down the date. The whole class going wide eyed, a few gasps being heard. No one ever said no to Louis.

Louis slammed his hand on the desk, making Niall and Marcel flinch. "I'm sorry, I don't think I made myself clear, get the fuck out of my chair." Louis spat, the teacher just watched, not wanting Louis to snap at her and cause more havoc.

"No-" "Niall's not moving." Marcel said. "And why not?" Louis asked, giving Niall a glare before shifting his eyes towards Marcel. "I've asked if i could have Niall as my partner, so now this is Niall's seat." Marcel replied.

"But, we're partners, we're always partners." Louis said, watching as Niall was waiting for the class to start. "That was before, now Niall's my partner, you're partner is now Nora." Marcel explained.

Louis then scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He said and headed to the front row of the class, his most hated row. Nora let out a shaky sigh and sent Louis a small, soft smile.

"I can show you what to do, if you want. It's not that difficult actually, it's pretty straight forward, as you may know, after Marcel, I'm one of the smart ones. I think Marcel and I would make good partners in this sort of thing. There's talks of us being partners for the science fair, wouldn't that be awesome, I've always wanted to build a volcano-"

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