DDM All the boys

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Request for @LozHayes

Dad; Louis
Papa; Liam
Pops; Niall
Pop; Harry
Age; 17

"They don't care about you, Y/n." The voice kept ringing in my head, the voice of my twin sister, Sarah. I'm starting to believe her. They always chose her over me, forgetting about the stuff that's important to me but always go to hers.

We go to separate schools because apparently I'm the bitch.

"Please come, this is really important to me." I explained as I told them about my singing competition. "We will, don't worry." Dad said rolling his eyes. "Promise?" I asked. "We promise." Dad said as he continued eating along with the others.

**day of competition**

I wrote them a song, it means a lot to me that they're finally coming.


It was my turn to go up, I'm so nervous but they're going to see me, finally. I made my way on stage, immediately looking for them, heck I'm even looking for Sarah. But, I couldn't see them. I looked everywhere. They broke their promise.



I won. I was so proud of myself, but they don't care.
They never do.

**back home**

I slowly walked into the house, I saw their car in the drive so they're home. But, I froze when I saw shopping bags, and some bags that were from Sarah's favourite shop. "Weren't we supposed to see Y/n's competition?" Pop asked and I smiled. "Who cares? She's a shit singer." Dad said and my smile dropped. "I'm done." I whispered and walked out of the house.


I took a deep breath as I knocked on the door. "Y/n?" "Can I stay here? Please, things are getting so hard and I don't know if they even care anymore." I sobbed. "Yeah, yeah, of course come in." Zayn replied and helped me in the house. "Is this about Sarah again?" He asked. Zayn knew what Sarah was really like, he knows that Sarah was bullying me but pinning it all on me, he's said to my dads but they don't believe him.

**A week later**

They haven't even noticed that I'm gone, they haven't called, texted, nothing. "I told you they didn't care." I sobbed, when there was a loud knock at the door. "Stay here." Zayn said as he knocked on the door. "Oh, have you finally remembered that you have more than one child?" Zayn asked and I went wide eyed.

"Is she here?" Pops asked. "I don't know, why should I tell you? You don't even care about her-it took you a week to notice that she was gone! What would you do if I contacted social services!? What if they decided to drop by one day?! Y/n doesn't deserve this! You know what her past family was like! They favoured Sarah as well! Youse are pathetic excuses of dad's." Zayn explained as I walked up behind them.

"Don't you think we know that?" Dad asked. "We actually have been looking for her, that night when she didn't come home, Sarah told us everything. We went looking for her, we haven't been able to sleep, eat, we've all been crying ourselves to sleep, we can't even look at each other. Coming here was our last choice, we thought she was hurt! We've been ripping our own hair out!" Dad sobbed and I wiped a stray tear.

"Everything hurts." Papa sobbed. "Sarah is even staying with Harry's mum, she can't even bring herself to stay in the same room as us because she thinks we all hate her, we don't. We love all our girls, the fact that Y/n's gone, the fact she believes we don't love her, we even called her a shit singer and she's not. We've heard her sing and let me tell you, she's really good, better than good, she's amazing and we're all really proud of her. We don't deserve her, but we just want her back, we need to know she's safe. Please, Zayn, tell us she's here...please." Papa explained, causing Zayn to step aside and I came into view.

"Oh thank god." They whispered in relief. "We are so sorry!" Pops said. "Why did you lie to me? You went shopping when you promised that you were going to see me sing? I won." I explained they had a proud look on their faces. "That's amazing, love." Dad said. "Why didn't you come?! I was telling everyone that you're going to support me! I told my teachers that you were coming! I was counting on you, and once again....you let me down. Like everyone else." I sobbed and pop pulled me into a tight hug.

"Look, we've made mistakes. We're going to work on them, we're going to be the best dads to you, from now on. I promise you, and that is a promise that we're going to keep. I can assure you." He explained.

"Just don't hurt me again...please."

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