"But, I want to hold my baby girl." Harry said putting the bottle down.

"No, Harry." Niall said.

Harry filled with rage, "let me hold my daughter!" He said picking up the bottle, chucking it towards Niall but it missed and nearly hit Y/n in the head, missing her by an inch.

"Get out." Niall said.

"I didn't mean to. I was angry-"

"GET OUT!" Niall yelled.


Harry would do anything to forget that night.

"Fair enough, I nearly hurt you both. But, you hurt me when you say that you said that you didn't want her. I've always wanted a family, you know that." Harry explained.

"Do you know how much I regret saying that? Do you know how happy she makes me? She always brings a smile on my face and when you kept me away from her, when you took her away and didn't contact me, I freaked out. She's my little girl!" Niall explained.

"I'll see you in court, Niall." Was the only thing Harry said and left.

*two months later*

Niall hasn't seen Harry since that day, and he still hasn't seen Y/n.

Today was court day and they were both ready to go in.

"Harry before you go in, let her seem him. Let him see her. She's still his daughter." Anne said as he saw Niall playing with his fingers while sitting on the chair ten feet away.

"Y/n, look over there." Harry said kneeling beside her and pointed towards Niall.

She gasped and smiled. "DAD!" She called, Niall's head snapped up.

"Princess!" He called and she ran towards him and he hugged her, spinning her around. "I've missed you so much." He whispered.

"I've missed you too, dad. Papa said that we're staying with granny Anne longer after this. Are you coming to?" Y/n asked.

"I don't know, love." Niall mumbled in reply.

"It's time to go in." Harry said taking Y/n out of his arms.

Niall nodded, Harry handing Y/n to Gemma.


"Mr Styles and Mr Horan, you're both the dad's to Y/n, and you've been fighting a lot. Is that true?" The judge asked.

"Yes, your honour." Then both said.

"Now, Y/n is a really young girl, but, I heard that you, Mr Styles, you took your daughter to your mothers house for two months, without Mr Horan seeing her." The judge explained.

"She was ill, I didn't want him to catch it." Harry explained.

"Ah, yes, but you also didn't tell Mr Horan that your daughter was ill. Even though, you weren't on good terms, i would've advised you to tell Mr Horan about your daughter." The judge said and Harry sighed.


"You didn't even want her, Niall!" Harry said as Niall was talking about how much he loves Y/n.

"Mr Styles!" The judge said. "Is that true, Mr Horan?"

"Yes, but I've always regretted it. Y/n is the best thing that's ever happened to me, and having Harry there with me was the best. All this is over because of a stupid fight and I ruin it by a simple sentence." Niall explained.

*decision time*

"Now, it's clear that you both love your daughter so much, so Mr Styles, you have her Monday  to Thursdays , Mr Horan, you have her Friday to Monday." The judge said and slammed their gavel.

Niall and Harry sighed and since it was now Thursday, Harry has her till tomorrow.

Y/n then ran to Niall causing him to pick her up.

"I'll see you tomorrow then, princess." He said kissing her cheek.

When Niall was leaving, he saw Harry not far behind him, they done one final wave and went their own ways.

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