81. Turning point

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~Aka pov~

Ever since Rosa came home three days ago she's been acting different. Too different. She's too cheery considering what happened and just isn't acting herself. Plus you haven't seen Nova at all.



"Are you okay?"

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"

You just tilt your head at her and then walk away. You talk to the others about Rose and they agree that she's been weird.

You conffront her about it on Friday three weeks after she gets home.


She turns around and looks to you with a smile

"Yes mother?"

"You've been acting odd recently and me and the team are getting really worried about you"

~Rosa pov~

You internally sigh in relief at the fact that mom sees that something is wrong. You wish you could tell her to run, to lock you up, to kill you even. Maybe then, somehow what's about to happen could be stopped.

See that's the thing, you're not in control of your own body. You haven't been in control since you stepped through the tower door but somehow everyone's been fooled this entire time. Your body starts laughing a manic and uncontrollable laugh.

"Well it took you long enough!"

The voice that comes out isn't yours. It feels wrong, so wrong. You are helpless to stop what happens next.

You pull a Dagger out of thin air(which you didn't even know you could do) and stab your mother right in the gut twisting the knife deep into her.

She falls to her knees in pain and the body you're trapped in runs off laughing. You come upon Nat next. She's already in a fighting position.

"Rose, you don't have to do this"

You are internally panicking.

'No! Run Nat run! You don't know what you're dealing with!'

Your body chuckles.

"No, I don't have to do this"

Your body  lunges for Nat and is hit in the gut by mjonir in Thors hand. Most of the others are gathering as well.

"I know you're in there Rosa, I'll get you out"

He throws mjonir at you and and your body tries to catch it but instead is pulled back by it. Whatever is controlling your body can't lift it. Those who are looking on gasp and there are a couple whispers.

"She's not worthy"

"Is that really rose?"

You wish you could tell them.

Suddenly your body starts attacking again. It stabs Nat, kicks Thor in the gut hard enough to move a truck, breaks the arm of Tony's suit as well as Clint's bow, it throws Bruce and Peter both out the window then proceeds to steal sam's wings and jump out the window flying away.

Your body lands at the lake and throws the wings in. It runs the rest of the way back to the cave you were at before. Nyle meets you in the cave.

"Well it's about time"

You just walk back to the little room you were in before. Nyle grabs your wrist.

"Oh darling, you don't have to stay in there anymore, your room is ready"

He leads you to a room in the cave you haven't been to before and it's beautiful it's a room even bigger than your room at the tower. There's a big oval bed in the middle and plants in planters along the walls.

You touch the covers on the bed and feel how soft they are. You realize you're in control of your body but don't immediately run. You look back at Nyle and he smiles.

"Just, think about it okay? I'll treat you well I promise"

You just go sit on the bed as Nyle leaves the room. Your phone is in the pocket of your suit and you pull it out. You consider texting someone but then you just turn your phone off and put it on the bed face down.

You think about life back at the tower. Your were there for three full weeks before anyone noticed something was wrong. One person noticed and now that person is dead because of you.

You lay down on the bed and start sobbing. You're mom is dead, you killed her. You sob until your eyes are dry and your throat is dry and you have nothing left. Then you sit up.

You have nothing to go back to you have no one. They don't care about you. They're probably just using you for their own gain anyways. You hate them. You hate them for not seeing that you needed help. You hate them for never being there for you when you really needed it.

Nyle is here. Nyle is good to you. He gave you this great room and your hand carved wolf necklace. He was probably just trying to get you away from the tower so you could see how toxic they were.

You stand up and walk out into the hallway to find Nyle in the next room. You take a deep breath

"I'm in"

He smiles

"It's about time"

He comes Over hugs you and kisses your cheek.

"I love you darling"

"I love you too"

You pick up your phone off the bed to see a text from Peter.

-rose? Are you okay? Where are you?

-don't come looking for me, I'm done, I'm done being an avenger, I'm done being your sister.

~Peter Pov~

Peter looks at his phone in shock and sets it down. He steps back. She couldn't mean that. She couldn't mean that. Could she?

Peter leaves his phone in his room and walks through the tower looking at the aftermath of the unexpected attack.

Mister stark has his arm in a sling and is trying to fix his suit.

"Mister stark shouldn't you be resting?"

"No, I need to fix this, we need to be ready for another attack"

Peter sighs, he understands why mister stark is acting this way so he doesn't continue bugging him. Peter heads down to the medical ward to see the people there, specifically Aka.

He walks in the room to see Aka lying still on the hospital bed with an oxygen mask. Her skin is pale and her eyes are closed. Peter turns to strange.

"How's she doing?"

Strange checks her pulse again

"Not good, that was no regular stab, she used a type of knife they used in World War II. When the knife is inserted the tip of it springs out to either side to do the most possible damage, plus she twisted it. The only thing keeping Aka alive right now is her speed healing."

Peter doesn't know what to say. Across the room Bruce is tending Nat's wounds

"What are we supposed to tell Loki when he gets back from Asgard?"

Doctor strange replies

"The truth"

Peter goes back to his room to check his phone and finds no messages. He tosses his phone back on the bed and grabs his suit. He decides to go for a swing around  the city to keep his mind off things.

A/N: thanks for reading as always everyone! Let me know what you think and feel free to leave theories about what's going on with Rose. I love y'all and I'll post again soon!

(Ps. Remember to vote, thx)

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