5. Captured

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"Sparrow, take us home"

Sparrow? Home? Home is where you just were. Where the heck is he taking you?

"Yes sir"

the robotic voice startles you as the ground starts to vibrate. You wobble on your feet, extremely unsure about trusting this guy.

"Here, this is your seat" Loki gestures to the seat next to the one he's making his way to.

You hesitantly make your way to the seat and sit down, not wanting to face plant. Screens in front of you light up as the ship emerges from the ground. You watch the dirt slide away as the night sky is revealed.


"Yes sir"

You don't know what the change is but the ship feels different somehow. You see police helicopters and flashing lights a little bit away. They must be searching past your house.

Wait. That is your house. You didn't realize how far you traveled through those tunnels.

Your mind flashes to being strapped to some kind of table. Men in white coats and surgical masks reach towards you with needles and scary looking tools.

Your head explodes in pain and you cry out. Your hands fly to your temples trying to make the pain go away. Loki turns to you moves your hands out of the way and put two of his long fingers on each of your temples.

His fingers are cool against your skin and the pain starts to fade. When you open your eyes you see a green glow around you. Loki pulls away and grabs the steering mechanism of the ship, a grim look on his face. You're not sure what just happened but you don't have a chance to ask before the ship violently shakes.

"Sir, it seems-"

The robotic voice is cut short as something materializes around you. Suddenly everything is black and you feel the bang more than you hear it as you are thrown forward out of your seat, hitting your head hard on something.


That's Loki's voice.

You open your eyes, not realizing that you had closed them, to see lights slowly coming up. You stand up to find you're a wolf again, but this time you're not in control.

The ship is open with a ramp leading down to many armed soldiers pointing guns at you. Loki rushes them and one steps forward with a bigger gun. You watch in slow motion as the gun fires an odd metal cuff. The cuff finds it's place around Loki's neck and electricity sparks in the air around him as he falls to his hands and knees in pain. Two soldiers rush over and grab his arms dragging him away from the ship.

He struggles against the guards trying to make his way back to you. He continues to yell and fight as the electricity sparks from the collar, clearly causing him pain.

"I swear if you harm her I'll gut you all like fish and eat your souls" Loki screams at the soldiers around him, still struggling and clearly desperate. His eyes turn crimson red.

They're hurting your Loki. They're hurting your Loki. You shake out your fur and dart toward the nearest guard. It's like you're sitting in the back seat watching someone else control your(wolf) body as you grab soldier by soldier, tossing them out of your way trying to get to Loki.

You taste blood in your mouth and it's all you can do to keep yourself from killing the guards you toss aside, even though you could. Easily.

You tear through the swarming guards. You make it to one of the ones holding Loki. There are five holding him back now. You lunge towards the closest one and his eyes go wide.

You wimper as you are knocked hard to the side and you hear Loki roar. You struggle back to your feet, wincing at the pain in your side, and look up to see what hit you.

You see a tall, buff man with blond hair that flows over his shoulders. His eyes are crystal blue. He's holding a big hammer, that must be what hit you. You hesitate. He's so.. familiar.

"Lady wolf, I promise we mean you no harm"

You cock your head at the name. Why is he so familiar?

You hear Loki yell in pain accompanied by the sound of electricity and the trance is broken. You let whatever was controlling you before take complete control and lunge at the man in front of you.

You feel a prick in your neck and rather than knocking the man back like you did the soldiers, you slam right into his chest and fall to the ground. You struggle to get back to your feet but the world spins and you feel your consciousness drifting.

"Thor! Be careful!

You feel strong arms around you lifting you into the air.

You feel the low rumble of the mans voice as he speaks,

"She will not hurt me. She is only frightened."

Picture is from pexels.com

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