66. Important meeting

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~Rosa POV~

You wake up the day after your 13th birthday to Phoenix singing spider man. When she exclaims "get webbed!" You look where she's looking and realize that it's because Peter walked in your room.

"Well I came to wake you up but it looks like Phoenix beat me to it"

You yawn and stretch.

"Yeah she's good at that"

You rub your eyes as you swing your legs over the side of the bed. You look at the clock and see that it's only 7am.

"Jeez Peter what are you waking me up for? It's not even 8 o'clock, plus it's a Saturday"

He holds his hands up surrender style

"Don't shoot the messenger. It wasn't my idea"

You slip your slippers on

"Mr. Stark has called everyone for an important meeting, I don't know what it's about but we're supposed to meet in the lounge"


You get up and follow Peter to the lounge in your pajamas and slippers. You find everyone there waiting for you. You sit down in you seat and Peter sits next to you.

"Why is everyone staring at me?"

As if on que they all look away. Suspicious.

Tony clears his throat to get everyone's attention.

"Alright, now that everyone's here we have important matters to discuss"

Mom smiles at you and then turns her attention back to Tony and acts like it didn't happen. Why is everyone being so weird?

"...as you all know, Rosa is 13 years old now.."

You snap to attention realizing he's talking about you. And he used you actual name.

"..She has been training hard for a long time and is a big part of the family that is this team. Speaking metaphorically that is."

He smiles at you, he just couldn't resist a crack about your height. You wonder where he's going with this.

"..so after much consideration and a vote, Rosa is now declared a jr. member of the team. This means she will be allowed to tag along and shadow on missions"

You look around in suprise as everyone claps and Tony leaves and comes back with a gift box in his arms.

"Rosa, I'm sorry I wasn't able to give this to you yesterday, it's been in the works for years now and I had help"

He sets the box on the ground in front of you and gestures to where a man steps into the room. His golden brown skin contrasts with the silver of his necklace. His black suit highlights his abs and little bits of purple glow in his suit.

"Happy birthday miss Rosa"

His accent is interesting, not one you've heard before.

"I am T'challa, but you may know me better by black panther"

You look down at the box. T'challa gestures to it.

"Go ahead, open it. We have worked very hard on this for you"

Phoenix immediately grabs the ribbon off the box and flies up to her perch with it. Tony reacts.

"Dammit bird! What is your obsession with that ribbon?"

You laugh. You have a feeling there's a story behind that

(A/N: there will be a one shot titled ribbon with the story)

You take the lid of the box and see what's inside. You see material that is galaxy almost matching your hair. Pulling it out you see that it's a suit. You look at it in awe and run your hand over the soft yet strong material. It glows a little purple just like Tchalla's does.

You look up at the team. Tony ruffles your hair.

"Happy birthday kiddo"

You bat his hand away laughing. You hug him and T'challa and run to your room to put it on. Somehow your snake armband loosens just enough for you to slip the sleeve under it and when you're comfy in your suit the snake armband goes back to its usual tightness.

You run into the lounge in your suit and do a twirl excitedly.

(These type sounds: https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdmbKM53/)

You giggle

"Good girl! Mwa!"

Mom stands and walks over to you with a smile.

"I think Phoenix likes your suit"

You smile and hold your arm out for Phoenix to land on as she flies over.

"I think she does too"

You pet her feathers. Mom steps back and looks you over

"It suits you"

"Thanks mom"

You hug her. The others start chiming in about how good the suit looks on you. You start exploring the various functions of it. It has a heater. That's handy. It has plenty of little hidden holsters for weapons.

It has various other parts and Tony explains that it should be charged every two weeks.

You accidentally trip and fall down the stairs but it doesn't even hurt that bad. It must be armored somehow. Your suit starts glowing purple in the seams after that though and you can't figure out why.

You go up to Tony who is in a conversation with T'challa about technology.



"Why is my suit glowing like that? Is it gonna blow up or something?"

He steps aside,

"I'll let this guy explain that one to you"

You turn to T'challa

"My sista made this technology. You will have to talk to her to have it fully explained but from what I understand, any force or energy that goes into it is stored until another attack is made against it"

He gestures to the purple glow.

"The purple there is  stored energy"

You talk about that for a while and he talks about his sister and how well you would get along. Then Tchalla seems to have an idea.

"Rosa, how would you like to come with me to wakanda?"

3/31 A/N: hello everyone! Thank you for reading this far. I am in theater and tech week starts today. This means I will be at school almost constantly so I cannot guarantee a chapter every day and the chapters may be shorter but I am still gonna do my best to post frequently. Thanks again for reading! I love y'all!

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