80. Beetlejuice

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~Aka pov~

"She had to have been under some kind of mind control, why else would she attack us?"

The others nod in agreement with you and Tony steps up.

"Okay but how can we break his control?"

You sigh,

"I don't know yet, first we have to figure out how he's controlling her"

Just then Jarvis speaks

"There is a call coming in from Rosa's suit"

"Answer it"
"Answer it"
"Answer it"

You Loki and Tony say at the same time and you hear the little ding of the phone call being answered.

"Rosa? How'd you get power in your suit?"

She starts singing

"Baby, you're like lightning in a bottle
I can't let you go now that I got it
And all I need is to be struck
By your electric love (Ohh)"

Peter jumps up

"You guys said the lightning hit her right?"

You nod realizing the same thing he is

"It had to have recharged her suit the same way it did when Thor and Mister Stark met"

~Rosa pov~

You internally celebrate at how fast they're catching on to your codes. You found out how to break the mind control but can't do it yourself. It's kinda a beatlejuice kind of thing.

Nyle walks in.

"You could use a buddy
Don't you want a pal?
Girl the way I see it
Your daddy should be leaving
And you should stick around (and kill him)"

You roll your eyes but play along because it's a good song and it could help you signal the others


So Lydia don't end yourself
Defend yourself
Daddy is the one you should mame
Together we'll exterminate


"The finer points can wait
but first you gotta say my name

Go ahead and jump but that won't stop him
Here you got a solid plan B option
I can bring your daddy so much pain
All you gotta do is say my name
Girl, just say it three times in a row
Then you won't believe how far I'll go
I'm on the bench, but coach
Just put me in the game
All you gotta do is say my name"

"I don't know your name"

"We'll I can't say it"

"How about a game of charades?"

"Yes let's play it!"

Nyle does the gestures really getting into character

"Two words"


"Second word"







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