61. Switching schools?

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You're not sure what to think of the offer. Nova loves it of course but you're unsure.

"Can I have some time to think about it?"

"Of course darling"

That makes you uncomfortable,

"I can't speak for Nova but please don't call me that"

"Alright, I apologize"

You spend the rest of the day telling Nyle all about Midgard and your life at the tower. You teach him what video games are and play some with him.

The next day you go to school still struggling with the decision. It's a bad day, you find out that miss bribing is switching schools under circumstances she can't control. People bully you like crazy, and your Asgardian history teacher is particularly assholish.

You come home in a bad mood and later that night you go to mom.


"Yes Rosa? Are you alright?"

"Can I start going to Asgardian school?"

"I'm sure we can get that figured out, why now all the sudden?"

"Well with Kyle being gone I have no friends at school and also my favorite teacher is switching schools and on Asgard at least I'll have one friend at school"

"I understand, I'll see what I can do"

Your Asgard to Midgard times change after that with you spending a Asgardian week on Asgard and a midgardian week on Midgard(one Asgardian week is equivalent to a midgardian month).

School on Asgard is much different. For one everyone is so friendly. They treat you like a princess. You are well respected. You get along well with all of your teachers and the things you learn are actually useful.

You get out of school one day and go to the field with Nyle. He whistles and his horse comes over. Lady comes to you without being called, excited to go for a ride. The two of you have a nice long peaceful ride and when you land Nyle comes over to you.

"Would you like to come to my house tonight?"

"Sure, I've got nothing better to do"

You walk to his house with him and it's nothing like the palace but it is pretty nice. It's a nice log cabin like what you would find in some snowy woods. His parents come over.

You hold your hand out to shake.

"Hello, I'm Rosa, you must be Nyle's parents"

They look you up and down and his mother responds,


Neither one shakes your hand. They act really distant. Nyle grabs your hand and leads you towards a set of stairs. His dad calls after you.

"Don't break anything"

When you get up the stairs Nyle smiles shyly.

"Sorry about them, they aren't exactly good with people"

Nova responds

"It's alright, I understand"

You and nova have your control split when he leads you into what appears to be his room. He opens a drawer and pulls something out. He shows it to you.

It's a little wooden wolf that looks like it was sidled from wood. It has extraordinary detail.

"Wow, did you make this?"

"Yes, I made it just for you"

He places it in your hand and closes your hand around it.

"That's so cool, thank you"

Nova hugs him.

You spend the rest of the day talking and laughing and goofing around with Nyle. When the time comes you don't want to leave, you've been having so much fun. You're not sure if it's you, nova or both that likes him so much.

You hug him before you leave. It's just a friendly thing to do to kiss someone's cheek on Asgard but you still blush when he does it.

Nova talks about him no to you in your mind constantly. She is borderline obsessed. She won't admit to it but you know she has a crush on him.

When you go to Midgard the next time Tony has a surprise for you. He hands you a box and you open it to find a phone. It looks super high tech. You hug him.

"Thank you so much"

"Of course kiddo, we figured it's about time. I spent a lot of time modifying that so it should work between realms. That way you'll be able to contact us while you're on Asgard"

"That's so cool, thank you so much"

You go through the phone to find that everyone's numbers are already on it. You text a couple of them memes. The next time you're on Asgard you test it out.

Texting Tony:

Rosa: texting from asgard, are you getting this

Grandpa tony: yes I am, glad to know it works

You're excited to know that you can contact your midgardian family while on asgard. You show Nyle and he seems slightly confused at the technology but he's happy for you.

You text Peter a link:

Rosa: https://youtu.be/4o29VoxtsFk

Peter: what is that?

Rosa: just open it

Peter: 😆

Rosa: get webbed😂😂

You're proud of your Peter version of a rickroll.

You have fun at school the next day and make a new friend, her name is scarlet and shes super sweet.

That night you're scrolling through your contacts when you see one marked "???" You text it.

Rosa: hello

???: hello? Who is this?

Rosa: I'm Rosa, who are you?

???: Rosa?

Rosa: yes rosa, who are you?

???: this is Kyle

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