11. MEMS

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You are in that room for a full week before Tony visits you again. You're in the middle of drawing a picture that's been in your head of a wolf standing up on a ridge in front of a sunset.

"Hey kiddo, how ya doing?"

"Hey Tony. What took you so long to visit? I've been bored out of my mind"

"We thought it'd be best to leave you be for a little while to let you remember on your own, instead of coming and telling you and triggering memories, considering the first night you were here."

You remember the awful migraine.


Tony: "There she is! Everyone this is (y/n), she'll be staying with us in the tower for the foreseeable future"

The table erupts in 'hi (y/n)''s and welcomes to the tower. Going around the table everyone introduces themselves, you know their hero names but they introduce themselves by what they want you to call them. From there dinner persists of stiff conversations and being watched carefully by a couple of people.

Over the next couple of months you make friends with everyone, quickly becoming a member of the family, you let them know about your powers but they don't fully understand so you just stick with the fact that you can turn into a wolf.

Thor is the only one who seems to understand. You've asked a couple times but he won't explain the whole "gift of wolf" and "not midgardian" thing. Saying that he would have to let his brother explain.

You brush it off and go about life, not thinking about it again until years later.



You shake your head, snapping out of the memory, and rub your temples at the sudden pain in your head.

"You see, this is exactly what I'm talking about, my presence triggered a memory didn't it?"

You nod your head, you hadn't had a big memory in a couple days, just little flashes, and they didn't cause as much pain.

"Well I have good news, while I was away I made something to help with the pain from the memories"

He pulls a bracelet out of his pocket and holds it out to you. You hold out your wrist and he clips it on. It's a small silver rope like thing made of metal. It's pretty but you don't see how it'll help with the pain.

"No offense this bracelet is super pretty and all, but how is a bracelet supposed to help with the pain?"

He smiles.


"Yes sir"

"Activate MEMS"

"Activating MEMS"

With that the bracelet buzzes once and you cock your head at Tony.


"It stands for

You nod your head and then suddenly a cool wave washes over you and the headache disappears. You sigh in relief and sit back on the couch.

"I guess that means it works"

"Yes thank you so much"

Tony smiles at you and looks at your sketchbook sitting open on the table.

"Nice drawing, is that your mom?"

"My mom?"

"Never mind, I should go"

He stands up to leave,

"Wait, please don't leave, it's so boring in here."

"Just ask Jarvis, he'll get you whatever you ask"

With that he goes out the door and you sit back down on the couch with a huff.

Authors note:

Thank you so much for reading this far I really appreciate it. I'm just leaving this to let you know that the next chapters will be one long memory. I don't want to confuse anyone. It will all be explained, I'm not switching to some new story, just please keep reading and you'll understand. Thanks!

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