65. A pheasant's wings

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~Rosa pov~

Mom tilts her head in confusion

"Wings? How does she have wings and why?"

Grandma frigga scoops Angel up.

"Angel here is gonna be a Valkyrie"

Grandma boops Angel's nose lovingly. Meanwhile, Mom looks like she just saw a ghost. You come over to her confused.

"Mom? What's wrong with being a Valkyrie?"

"It's really really dangerous, when she's 15 she'll have to go to the city of the Valkyries and go through extreme tests of strength. It's not guaranteed that she'll come back."

Grandma puts a hand on moms shoulder.

"It will be okay dear, we will train her well"

Mom sighs.

"Yeah, you're right"

That night mom announces the news to the team.

"Angel is going to be a Valkyrie"

Wanda nods in understanding as does Nat. Vision nods. Clint, Sam, pepper and pretty much everyone else besides the Asgardians look confused. Tony speaks up.

"She's gonna be a whatnow?"

"A Valkyrie"

You explain to them what a Valkyrie is and they nod. You are secretly very very worried about your little sister, you've heard how dangerous it is to be a Valkyrie.

In the next couple of months angel's wings grow significantly. Her feathers are multicolored and have a sort of sheen to some of them. The colors of her wings remind you of that of a peacock pheasant with the little bits of purple, blue, and teal mixed in.


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One day after school you're sitting on ravens cliff with Nyle swinging your legs over the edge when he asks you something.

"Hey Rose, do you remember the little wolf I gave you?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Do you still have it?"

"I'm so sorry. I accidentally broke it. I still have it but it's in three pieces. I don't know what happened"

"Can I see it?"

You summon it from your room in the palace and hold it out to him. He takes it and your shoulders droop as you look down at your lap fidgeting with your hands.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. It was in my pocket and when I pulled it out-"

He turns your face to look at him

"Hey hey hey rose, it's okay, you don't have to be sorry."


You sigh in relief that he's not mad.

"It's an easy fix anyways, I'll get it back to you when it's fixed"

Phoenix hops from your shoulder to his and looks at the little figure curiously. He chuckles and holds it up so Phoenix can investigate. When Phoenix is satisfied with her investigation of the figure she hops on Nyle's head much to his surprise.

"Hey! Phoenix!"

You're both giggling as he says this and Phoenix settles herself on top of his head. She seems pleased with herself.

"Really Phoenix? You think my head is the best perch here?"

You both laugh it off and then you get so sucked into a conversation that you don't realize when it gets dark out. It's cloudy and without the light of the moon it's almost pitch black. Your night vision is good, but not that good.

You and Nyle have trouble finding your way home until a green light illuminates your path. Nyle turns to you.

"Did you do that?"

You shake your head and search for the source of the light. You realize it's coming from fanindra. You haven't taken it off since grandma frigga gave it to you on your eleventh birthday. You talk to it like it's your pet snake sometimes. You don't know why you do it but you do.

Fanindra's emerald eyes are now glowing brightly and as you turn you realize that it is only lighting a certain path. Grandma frigga's words play in your head.

"...She is a guide and will help you to find what you seek. She can conduct you on safe paths and will light your way through darkness..."

You point to the illuminated path and turn to Nyle.

"That must be the way"

You and Nyle follow the path being illuminated. Sure enough you arrive at the palace and the fanindra's eyes go back to being regular emeralds. You pet the cool scaly golden head of your snake armband.

"Thank you fanindra"

You know it's not alive but you feel the urge to thank it anyway. It must have some kind of microtech, you wonder if Tony had anything to do with it.


On your thirteenth birthday Nyle gives you a special gift. You open the box to find the little wolf he gave you so long ago. It's strung into a necklace. When you pet the head with one finger it glows orange.

"Woah this is so cool! Thank you!"

You stand on your toes and hug around his neck. He's gotten a lot taller over the years. He takes it out of the box and you turn around and lift your hair so he can put it on you. You let your hair down when it's on and turn around to him.

"What do you think?"

He smiles sweetly and steps forward

"It's perfect"

He lightly kisses your forehead and it sends tingles throughout your body and butterflies erupt in your stomach. You look up at him and smile. You know you must be blushing.

When you separate you fiddle with your necklace and make it glow again. You smile and then suddenly you feel really dizzy. You loose your balance and fall but before you hit the ground Nyle catches you.

"Hey are you okay?"

The dizziness disappears and you right yourself.

"Yeah sorry I just got dizzy for a sec"

"Are you better now?"


"Okay good"

Your heart pounds as you look into his eyes and if Nova had complete control you're sure she would've kissed him. Mom comes into the lounge and tells you it's time for bed. You and Nyle step away from each other quickly.

Nova: 'don't be suspicious don't be suspicious'

Rosa: 'shush, there's nothing to be suspicious about'

Nova: you may be able to fool other people but not me, we feel each other's everything remember?

Rosa:  yeah yeah I know, I just, I like Kyle.

Nova: I know, I'm sorry I know that's hard, I miss him too but we haven't heard from him in almost two years. Don't you think it's time to move on?

Rosa: yeah I guess so

You wave to Nyle and he heads back to Asgard as you head to your room to go to bed. You dream about Nyle all night.

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