38. That one's evil

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When Rosa is two years old you take her to Asgard for the first time. Frigga has been practically begging you to bring her through letters since she found out she was born but you weren't sure about taking her through the bifrost at such a young age. 

When you arrive Hiemdall greets the three of you and Abby actually rushes into the bifrost room and prances around you. You laugh and pet her nose.

"Hi Abby, sorry I was gone so long"

You set Rosa down and Abby leans her head down to meet her. Rosa reaches up for Abby.


"Yes Rosa that is a horsey"

Rosa grabs Abby's nostrils trying to pull her down. Abby sneezes and shakes her off. Rosa falls down and tries to reach for Abby again. You scoop Rosa up.

"You have to be gentle baby"

"Otay mommy"

Abby comes back and nudges Rosa gently. Rosa pets her nose.

"Sowy horsey"

You get up on Abby's back and set Rosa in the saddle in front of you. You watch Rosas face of amazement as she looks around Asgard. 

When you get to the end of the bridge mama Frigga is already there waiting for you. She grabs Rosa and spins her around in the air.

"Such a beautiful baby girl!"

She kisses her cheeks. Rosa pushes Frigga away.

"Ack mama help!"

You laugh

"That's just your Grandma Frigga"

"No kisses!"

Mama Frigga laughs

"She's just like Loki!"

Loki rolls his eyes


Mama Frigga carries Rosa into the palace and the first place she takes her is the garden.

Rosa runs around the garden trying to smell every flower and she reminds you of your self. She smells one particular flower


She sneezes rubbing her nose and runs over to you on her wobbly legs. She hugs your leg and points to a hyacinth.

"Mama that ones evil"

You scoop her up laughing,

"It's not evil baby it's just strong smelling"


Thor comes bursting through the room out of breath. You didn't even know he was on Asgard. He wields mjonir.

"What is it? What's the danger?"

You start cracking up and Rosa points towards the flower

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