52. The hydra base: part one

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~Rosa pov~

You hop up in the trunk of the jeep with the rest of your wolf family(Aka, sparks, nova). Dad is in the passenger seat. Grandma Tony is driving. Uncle Strange, Peter, and aunt Wanda are in the back seat.

"Please let this be a normal field trip"

Peter  laughs at Loki's reference and responds

"With mister Stark? No way!"

Grandma Tony responds as the others laugh.

"Peter I don't want to hear another pop culturep reference out of you for the rest of this trip"

You are tired of being in the trunk so you manage to jump up into peters lap.


you wag your tail, proud of your self for making that jump.

"Hey, you may be a puppy but- that doesn't mean- you're not- heavy "

You internally laugh and lick his face as he struggles. Dad speaks to Peter.

"That's because Asgardian wolves are much bigger than midgardian wolves, not as big as Fenris, but still"

Aunt Wanda calls you and you switch to her lap. You sniff her down for treats as Peter talks to grandpa Tony.

"Please tell me we're almost there"

"Pulling into the parks lot now"

Tony turns and takes a picture of you with his phone and everyone freaks out.

"Hey! Watch the road! Hands on the wheel!"

Tony chuckles

"Relax, Jarvis is driving"

When the car is parked you all get out and head  through the gate. Tony closes it behind you.

"So, what do you little maniacs want to do first?"

The park is awesome. It's a wide open field for you to run in. There's an agility course and a cool fountain to splash and play in. There's also a nice shady little area of tree cover.

You spot a squirrel and take off after it. The others don't see it. You run as fast as your legs can take you. This squirrel has no chance of outrunning you.

You catch up and catch the squirrel. You proudly trot back toward the group with the unmoving squirrel in your jaws. You trot up to Tony.

"What've you got? A stick?"

He holds his hand out and you proudly place the squirrel in his hand. He blinks a couple times and you sit down. He holds it up by the tail.

"Reindeer games! Why is your demented kid giving me a dead squirrel?"

Dad laughs

"It's a gift"

You tilt your head at him.

It's not dead.

Just then the shock wears off and the squirrel wiggles violently causing Grandpa Tony to throw it out of surprise.


Dad laughs at him. The squirrel lands on its feet and takes off. You chase after it. Clearly he doesn't appreciate your present.

You catch it once again and bring it to Wanda this time. She didn't see what happened with Tony. You come up to Wanda and set it nicely in her hand.

"Ohh. A dead squirrel. Uh, thank you"

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