26. The golden dove

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When you wake you are spread out on Loki's bed. You're all tangled up in the sheets. You also have a massive headache

To your suprise Loki's not in bed with you. You look around the room, dimly lit by the pre-sunrise, and see Loki laying on a small couch. It looks uncomfortable.


The sound of your own voice makes you wince as it hurts your head and Loki quickly wakes up.

"Darling are you alright?"

He comes over to you and you shake your head


He places his hand on your forehead and you feel a cool relief taking the pain away. You sigh

"Thank you Lokes"

"You're welcome darling"

"Why weren't you in bed with me?"

"Last night, I- you- I just, needed to keep myself from the temptation"

You remember the events of the night before and cringe at your behavior.

"Thanks Lokes that's really sweet of you, and sorry"

"Don't apologize little wolf, you have nothing to  be sorry for, my temptations are not your responsibility"

The two of you go to your favorite cliff and watch the sunrise together. Sitting in the soft grass with your legs hanging off the edge, you see a dove gliding in the sunrise. The doves wings reflect the sun in a way that makes the dove seem gold.

The dove swoops closer and you realize that it's not just the reflection of the sun, the dove is actually gold. It lands in between you and Loki and looks up at you with an intelligent eye. Then at Loki. It sits on the ground between you. You pet it's soft feathers and it coos to you.

"That's not a normal dove"

Loki studies the dove and you reply sarcastically.

"Well yeah they're not usually glowing gold"

"No that's not what I mean"

A tall woman with long tangles black hair wearing a torn black body suit stumbles out of the woods towards you. Her voice is strong and demanding even with her being out of breath.

"Give me the bird"

The dove hops into your hand and you stand up alongside Loki, petting it. Loki responds first.

"I don't take orders"

You step closer to Loki as the woman flicks her wrist and you see a knife in her hand. She rushes you and Loki teleports the three of you away, leaving the woman in the woods. To your surprise the dove doesn't bat an eye at being teleported.

You're just outside the throne room and Loki has a grave look. He barges through the doors to find Odin and Frigga sitting on their thrones. You trail behind him. Odin speaks.

"You dare barge into-"

His eyes land on the dove in your hand

"Where did you get that?"

Loki is fuming now

"You implied that Hela was dead"

"Answer me! Where did you get the dove?"

You step up acting much braver than you feel.

"It flew to us sir, while we were sitting on ravens cliff"

Loki cuts in

"Hela is alive"

"I'm well aware"

"Why didn't you tell us?"

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