39. Lady Montrinal

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One day you are on Asgard and doctor strange is in the tower when time traveling Rosa shows up.

"Hi uncle strange. I figured since they are on Asgard it's be safe to- *oof*"

Strange immediately hugs her. He's not a very touchy person but Rosa is the one exception.

"I've missed you kid. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing a lot better than I was before, thanks to you. I'm 17 and finally an official member of the team."


Rosa sees a couple hyacinths scattered around and smiles.

"I see you've taken good care of the flowers"

"Of course"

Strange and Rosa continue their conversation, meanwhile you are arriving on Asgard. You say your greetings to Hiemdall and walk over to where the horses are waiting for you.

You notice that Abby no longer has a baby bump, but you see no baby beside her. Her head hangs lower than usual and she doesn't run up to you like she usually does. You walk over to her and hug her neck.

"Oh Abby, I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine how awful this must be for you"

Abby nickers softly and hugs you back with her neck. Three year old Rosa mimics you. She runs over to Abby and hugs her leg.

"Sowy Abby"

You're sure Rosa has no idea what she's apologizing for but the gesture is sweet nonetheless.

Later that day you're out in the horse pasture when Rosa takes off towards the nearby woods. She's surprisingly quick on her little legs and you can't figure out what she's doing until you see a little filly laying flat in the clearing next to the woods. You're not even sure if she's breathing until you see her ear twitch. A pack of wolves is closing in and Rosa is heading right for them.

"Rosa no!"

Rosa pays you no attention as she picks up a stick that's much too big for her little body and starts clumsily swinging it around at the wolves.

"Don't hurt horsey!"

You're not sure if the action is brave or stupid. The wolves easily dodge little Rosa and start to close in on her until they see you in the tall grass behind her pinning your ears and growling deeply at them. You're bigger and stronger than the other wolves and could easily take on any and all of them. Your wolf form is comparable to that of a dire wolf.

You basically tell them the wolf equivalent of 'touch my baby and I'll make your death slow and painful.' The wolves, recognizing you as the goddess of wolves as well as one who is much bigger and stronger than them, make the smart decision and run away. You almost feel bad for them because it's just the natural order of things, but you couldn't let them have this baby, or yours. They'll have to find something else for dinner.

You shift back to hybrid form and Rosa turn to you triumphantly, clearly thinking it was her who scared off the wolves. Then her attention turns back to the baby.

"Mommy she's hurt"

You come over and get down on your knees next to the baby, she's a black and white Appaloosa. She's extremely weak and doesn't react when you touch her. There's a gash on her back leg as well as one along her side. You try to use your healing powers on her and they do work but only very very slowly. Rosa comes over and tries to push you out of the way. You scoot over a bit for her.

"What are you doing baby girl?"

"I make her feel better"

You smile thinking she's just mimicking you again. She places her hands right where yours were and to your surprised when her hands glow purple and the wounds knit themselves together before your eyes. You smile

'She sure is special'

'You don't say'

You regret teaching Aka sarcasm. Soon the wounds are completely gone and the baby stands up weakly, she immediately goes over and nurses on a very startled Abby. It looks like you've got a new member of the family. Rosa names her Lady Montrinal.

When you get back to the tower you put Rosa straight to bed because it's late and she's tired. You come back out to the lounge to see Strange sitting on the couch tracing a Pokémon card with his finger, he has a slight smile on his face.

"Why do you have a Pokémon card?"

"It will be useful on Rosa's 5th birthday"


He shrugs,

"I just have a feeling"

Strange is rather happy that night but won't tell you why. You brush it off. Just Strange being strange you suppose.

Before he leaves the next day he sets a hyacinth in a pot on the middle table.

"Take care of this"

You nod and he leaves. A few minutes later Rosa comes running out of the bedroom and hugs your leg. Then she smells the flower and sneezes before taking a deep breath and yelling.


*thump* *thump* *thump* *crash*

A very tired Thor comes crashing through the wall. He looks around and Rosa points at the flower. You step between Thor and the flower.

"I swear to god Thor"

At that moment a tired Tony comes in the room,

"Thor! What did I tell you about the walls! Those are expensive. I may be a billionaire but I won't be for long if you keep it up!"

Tony walks to the nearest door.

"You see this? This is a door. You open it and walk Through it"

He talks to Thor like he's a dumb child.

"Next time, instead of CRASHING THROUGH THE FUCKING WALL! Use the goddam door!"

Thor apologizes while you and Loki laugh your asses off and Rosa is intrigued by the flower.


On Rosa's fourth birthday she turns into a wolf for the first time. You weren't sure if she had inherited the gift of wolf. It's clear when you have a puppy running around the tower causing trouble.

The full moon strongly effects young wolves and the effect stops growing and starts to get weaker after the age of about 20. You worry about how Rosa's first full moon will go because you're positive her wolf will take complete control.

You and the team work together to turn an entire level of the tower into a safe room for Rosa's first full moon as a wolf. Meanwhile Rosa runs around shifting back and forth and causing chaos. You really hope you're able to get the room done by the time the full moon happens in a week.

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