17. Prophecy

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"My first memory? Uhhmm, that'd be waking up in a hospital, they said they found me unconscious in the woods. When they were satisfied that I wasn't dying they threw me into the foster care system. I escaped for a while and kinda just wandered around with no sense of time but they eventually found me and took me back"

Loki then explains to you that your wolf must've taken over for all that time to protect you when you were younger. You do remember bits and pieces of blurry memories in the woods but you've never been able to get a clear memory from them.

From then on you and Loki spend a lot more time together. You always want to be near him, there's a deep connection there that you can't explain. The others don't really love having Loki around but they keep their mouths shut.

One day a couple months later you and Loki are laying on your couch together. He lays leaning against the armrest with a book and you're curled up on his lap between his arms with your own book. You enjoy hearing his steady heart beat against your ear as you lay there.

You hear a camera click and look up to see Wanda standing there with her camera looking at the picture she just took.

"You two are so cute together!"

You roll your eyes at her,

"Wanda, what are you doing?"

She smiles brightly,

"I'm collecting pictures to give you two at your wedding"

You feel your cheeks flush and you coulda swore you hear Loki's heart start to beat faster. He doesn't acknowledge what she said pretending to read his book. You know you can't lie or Loki will know immediately how you feel and you're not sure if he'll feel the same way so you decide to stick with a truth.

"Wanda, c'mon we're not even dating"

You shift out from your spot between Loki's arms and set your sights on the camera she holds.

"Yeah but you will be- ah!"

She squeals and jumps back as you lunge to grab her camera and then runs off giggling. You and Loki both chuckle and you go back into his arms with your book.

You spend a full year being best friends with Loki and you're the happiest you've ever been. You spend all your time together and recently you can't hardly stand to be away from him.

Your afraid to tell him but your feelings for him are only getting stronger. He catches you watching him and looks at you with a smirk.

"Are you aware that you're staring darling?"

You quickly look down and hide your face so he doesn't see you blushing. You mumble an apology and he laughs.

"It's alright love, I'm only teasing"

He kisses your forehead and you're stunned. He quickly teleports away and you don't realize why until you see Thor walk in. If he saw that you'd never hear the end of it.

"Good morning lady (y/n), did I hear my brother out here?"

You struggle with what to say, Thor smiles broadly.

"Lady (y/n), I know you like my brother"

You blush and try not to let Thor see.

"Obviously I like him, he's my best friend. What's not to like?"

Thor gives you a doubtful look and you look away and fidget with your blanket on the couch nervously. It's a super soft blanket that Loki got you and it's your favorite blanket you've ever had.

Loki walks in the room right then behind you and you turn so Thor can't see you and mouth the word 'help' with a slight nod towards Thor. Loki chuckles a little.

"What are you two doing?"

You can practically see the lightbulb pop up above Thor's head and he smirks.

"Lady (y/n), you like poetry correct?"

You do rather like poetry, sometimes when you can't sleep Loki will read poetry to you to help.

"Yeah, why?"

Thor smiles more and Loki comes closer, furrowing his brow trying to figure out what the trick is.

"Would you like to hear a poem?"

Thor definitely isn't the poetry type so you're interested in what he has to say.


You and Loki listen intently and Thor begins,

"A lost wolf
A falle-"

He's cut of as Loki teleports behind him before teleporting them both away. You shrug it off as just more of their antics and use the couch to jump into your hammock with a poetry book.

~Loki's POV-

I teleport Thor and I as far as I can from the tower and he falls onto the sidewalk at the sudden movement.

"What the hell is wrong with you! I said don't tell her!"

He stands up and looks at me confused,

"I do not understand why you won't just tell her brother, the two of you are soulmates"

I'm fuming

"What? You think we just tell her the prophecy and suddenly we fall in love and live happily ever after?! Wake up Thor! this is not a child's book this is real life and there are consequences for your actions!"

"What could it hurt?"

I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. My cascade of anger melts away and it is replaced by the anxiety looming underneath.

"I don't want her to be with me because she thinks she has to. I want her to be with me because she wants to. I want her to have that choice, and now just be a pawn in someone's game."

"Brother, she already wants to be with you. When I mentioned you back there her face went bright red. You two are always cuddling. Anytime you're not together one or both of you is searching for the other. Face it, you are made for one another"

I hate to even think it but he does have a point, she is quite adorable when she blushes. Still, I want it to be her choice, I know what it's like to be no more than a pawn and I don't want her to face the same fate. I deeply care for her. Dare I say I love her.

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