33. Sparks

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You wake up the next morning cuddled up with Loki. Aka is ready to go another couple rounds. She pouts when you mentally tell her to chill out. You and Loki head to breakfast and everyone cheers when you get there. You yawn and rub your eyes sleepily.

"Long night?"

Peitro grins suggestively and your face goes pink, as does Loki's. You eat your breakfast and later you find out that, in marrying a god, you have become a goddess. You are pronounced the goddess of wolves and memories. Fitting.

The next day you go back to the tower and settle in there. You start discovering new things about yourself. You can heal more than just Loki. You keep seeing visions about a little girl with galaxy hair. You haven't told anyone about those yet. You also can make portals with your mind to just about any time and place. They look pretty similar to doctor strange's portals with the sparks around the outside. That's the Most recent one you discovered.

You're sitting in the lounge talking to Loki about it

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You're sitting in the lounge talking to Loki about it. Peter things it's absolutely awesome but Pietro doesn't believe you and teases you about it, accusing you of lying about it. That was a mistake.

You open two connected portals, one below where he's standing, and the other above his head. He doesn't have time to process what's happening before falling into the loop. As Tony walks past he sees the portals and you and then rolls his eyes.

"Hey sparks, watch the couches those are flammable"

You vanish the portals and there's an *oof* as Peitro hits the ground. You stick your tongue out at Tony and he sticks his tongue out at you back.

"No arson allowed"

You mock pout at him

"But arson is fuunnn"

"Don't make me stick Dum-E on you with a fire hydrant"

"You wouldn't"

"I would"

You all laugh it off. Then suddenly your back straightens and you stare into nothingness as words leave your mouth. Neither you or Aka are speaking but words come out of your mouth. Everyone stares at you.

"The fist born child
Will be most wild
Midgard beware
Of the galaxy hair

A rose of white
Also bleeds red
The weight of the world
Shall dance on her head

A choice she shall make
While dancing on a lake
But if she chooses wrong
You'll never hear her song

When the day is near
Cast aside your fear
In the midnight surf
It's a question of worth"

The second the last word is out of your mouth you relax your back and lean on Loki, trying to get some air back in your lungs. Everyone continues to stare at you. Bruce speaks first.

"What was that?"

"I-it was nothing."

You try your best to blow it off but it doesn't work. Peter speaks from the ceiling

"Nothing? Dude! Your eyes just turned bright red!"

Loki pets your hair.

"That was a prophecy, looks like you've gained the power of prophecy as well"

After you all calm down everyone just sort of accepts that you have prophecy. Weirder things have happened. For some reason the nickname sticks after that and everyone starts calling you sparks. You don't mind.

After that Aka starts acting really weird. Exactly two weeks after your wedding Aka flat out refuses to go on a mission. The others understand when you decide to stay back on account of Aka's behavior. You have a mental conversation with her when the others are gone.

'What's going on? Why don't you want to go?'

'No want danger'

'Since when have you had a problem with danger? You have done plenty of stupid dangerous things'



'Baby Rosa'

'I don't understand'

'We have baby'

You can't believe what she's telling you.

'We're pregnant?'

'We have baby'

You blow her off. There's no way she can already tell, it's only been two weeks! When the team gets back you go about your day like nothing happened. You don't tell them why she made you stay behind. You just disregard it.

The next day Loki interrogates you about it.

"Why did you stay behind yesterday? You never turn down a mission"

You shrug

"I don't know"

He grabs your chin firmly and makes you meet his eyes as he stands over you in the dimly lit room. You're sitting on the bed.

"I don't like it when you lie to me"

His voice is low and it sends a tingle down your spine. You love him and trust him with your life but damn he can be intimidating when he wants to be. You try not to let him see how he affects you

"I-I'm not"

Damnit. You stuttered. That's a dead give away. He smiles devilishly.

"Oh really, then why are you stuttering?"


He wraps one hand around your neck lightly, only squeezing the sides as to not choke you. You like it, his power, being ruled over, you could enjoy ruling too though.

"Do you know what happens to bad girls?"

A shiver runs through your body and and your want to give in to him, you want him to fuck you too. He leans down and whispers in your ear.

"They get punished"

You give in and tell him what he wants to know.

"Aka thinks we're pregnant"

His mouth drops open and he looks at you in awe releasing your neck.


You nod

"I'm not sure I believe her though, it's really soon so let's just try not to get too excited okay?"

He hugs you tightly and kisses you a bunch. He beams at you.

"We're gonna have a baby!"

He pulls you up to your feet and spins you around in the air.

You laugh and tap his shoulder to put you down.

"We don't know for sure yet"

His smile doesn't change. He kisses you again.

"I know. But still."

He takes your hand to lead you out and you stop and glance back at the bed.


He chuckles slyly.

"I told you love, bad girls get punished"

You pout at him and come with him down to the lounge. Damn. Note to self: don't lie to Loki.

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