44. Kyle

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Authors note: we will be slowly transitioning from Aka/sparks's story to Rosa/ Nova's story. We will be switching back and forth between their points of view. I hope it's not too confusing.
3p=third person
If I refer to "you" without clarifying whose perspective it is, it's safe to assume that it's Aka/sparks pov.

A couple midgardian weeks later Rosa's first day of school is coming up. Tony gets her the best backpack and shoes and clothes and supplies that she could ask for. She's very excited. Tony installed Jarvis into her backpack in case of emergencies.

She bugs you about what school is like. When the day finally comes Rosa wakes up extra early and wakes you and Loki up with her. She doesn't need to be at school until 8am but she wakes you up at 5am.

"Mommy! Daddy! Come on it's school day!"

You see the time and shoo Rosa away.

"Go back to bed Rosa, it's not time yet"

"I can't go back to bed now"

She bounces on her toes and you know that she's right. You groan.

"Alright fine, then just go train with your aunt Nat or something"


You roll back over into bed and go back to sleep as Rosa skips enthusiastically down the hall.

~Rosa's POV~

You head to the elevator still full of energy. Today's your very first day of school and you're really excited. You head down to the training room. You love training with aunt Nat.

You started training with aunt Nat a couple months ago after begging to be trained. You wanna be an avenger when you grow up, just like the rest of your family. Besides grandma freeuh, and grandpa Open.

When you make it to the training room aunt Nat is already there and you wave to her.

"Hi aunt Nat"

"Hey Rose, you here to train"

"Yeah mommy says it's not time for school yet"

You train for a couple hours and then shower and get ready for school. You've still got lots of energy, nothing can bring you down today.

Mom and dad take you to school together. You get out and look up at the big school building. If you were anyone else it might be intimidating.

'You ready?'


'Awesome, we got this"

You stride into the school with no fear and sing a song along your way. 

"Into the unknown!"

Passing people your age and older. You have no problem finding your class. Your teacher is a tall woman with long straight hair that waterfalls over her shoulders. She greets you with a kind smile.

"Hello, what's your name?"

"Well my name is Rosa but my wolf side's name is Nova, you can just call us both Rosa though, Nova doesn't mind"

"oooooooookay?  Well you can choose whatever seat you want and that will be your assigned seat"


You look around the room at the available seats and spot a boy sitting in the corner by himself. He seems lonely. You bounce over to him and sit in the seat next to his.

"Hi! I'm Rosa"

"oh uh, hi, I'm Kyle"

When class starts you go around and introduce yourselves, play ice breaker games, and sing your ABC's. When it's lunchtime you all go to the cafeteria. You sit with your new best friend. He's sweet and nerdy and the two of you get along well. you're certain you and kyle will be best friends forever.

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