25. I cant get drunk

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When the horses land back in the field you and Loki slide off. You're not sure how long you rode but your legs are weak and they quiver as you stand. Loki chuckles at you

"Not much accustomed to riding are you?"

You smile

"No not really"

Loki comes up inches away from you and tips your head up to look at him.

"I'd like to make your legs quiver in a different way"

Loki smirks mischievously and you blush madly. He kisses you well and you can tell you're still blushing.

In the next week you grow accustomed to life on Asgard. You start wearing tunics and dresses that Loki had made for you. You often stay in hybrid form because wolves really are treasured on Asgard and you don't feel ashamed of your wolf side when you're here.

They treat you like a princess and it's really great compared to the abusive household you came from so many years ago. Tonight is your first big palace dance. The problem is: you don't know how to dance whatsoever.

"Do I have to go to the dance tonight?"

"We are both expected to be there. Why my love? Why don't you want to go?"

"I just.. I can't dance"

You put your head down embarrassed and he steps up to you.

"It's alright love, what do you say we go back to our room and I'll teach you"

"Would you?"

"Of course love"

He teleports you back to his room that has become your shared room. He tells you the steps to a slow dance and leads you through it.
He begins to sing a beautiful song in Asgardian.


"On mountains darkened by the storms
I'm wandering alone
Over the glaciers I'm pushing on
The fair maiden is in the apple orchard
And she's singing:
When will you come home?
But the cranes dance and the waterfalls stop
When she sings she sings come home
When she sings she sings come home"

His voice is calming. The two of you go step by step and practice a couple different dances fast and slow. By the time you've got it down it's time to get ready. You ask Loki what you should wear and he opens your shared wardrobe pulling out the most gorgeous green dress. It looks like it's made of silk. You gasp.

"It's gorgeous"

"Not as gorgeous as you"

You blush

"Thanks Lokes"

You go into the connected bathroom and change into the dress. It looks even better on you. You step out towards Loki in his suit and he looks you over with a smile. You do a little twirl.

"How do I look?"

"You are exquisite darling"

The two of you walk to the dining hall and sit together at the table. The food is good as always and as people finish eating they head down to the dance floor. The music starts and Loki leads you down and the two of you start to dance.

You dance for hours and by the time you exit the dance floor you're sweaty and exhausted. You sit at the bar and order a drink. You see Thor sitting back watching people try to lift his hammer in amusement.

You don't know why you ordered a drink, alcohol has never worked on you because your metabolism is too high. You take a big drink and make a face at the strength. You've never had a drink that strong but you like it so you finish it and order another.

You look over at the people around Mjonir and see them part ways for a young girl. She looks to be about 15 and her purple and black hair reminds you of a galaxy with it's little speckles of white.

Wait. Is this the same girl you saw in the clouds before?

She steps up to Mjonir and people around her laugh and make fun of her saying there's no way a little girl like her will be able to lift the mighty Mjonir.

The girl pays them no attention and picks up Mjonir effortlessly.

The people gasp and start whispering. Thor gapes at her in shock. She walks over to Thor and hands Mjonir to him with a smile.

"Here you go uncle Thor"

Thor fumbles Mjonir as she hands it to him and looks at her in total shock. For the first time since you met thor he's truly speechless. The girl giggles at thor before a portal appears behind her, sucks her in, and disappears.

You blink your eyes a couple of times trying to figure out what just happened. Was that even real?

Thor calls off his little game and holds Mjonir close to him, he seems really shaken. You turn to see if Loki saw what happened but he's talking to mama Frigga and has his back turned.

Ugghh, again? C'mon Loki

You just order another drink and watch people stumble around. The whole thing starts to become a blur. Dancing around and giggling at absolutely everything.

Your legs wobble underneath you and you pitch almost falling but Loki catches you.

"Alright darling that's enough for the night"

"Nooo mm having fun"

you pout at him and he chuckles.

"You're drunk love"

"Nuh uh, I can't get drunk"

To prove this you take another big gulp of your drink. You hiccup and giggle. You get up but the world rocks and tilts under your feet. The wall almost falls so you lean against it, you know, to hold it up.

Loki scoops you up bridal style and carries you back to your shared room. On the way you kiss him on the cheek.

When he sets you down on the bed and suddenly you're filled with desire and lust. You kiss him deeply and pull him down on the bed with you. He holds himself up away from you and you pull him back down.

You kiss him and roll so he's under you. You start to unbutton his shirt and he stops you.

"No love, we can't"

"Why nooot?"

He picks you up and lays you gently on the bed.

"Because you're drunk darling,"

You can see the bulge in his pants and don't understand why he's refusing you.

"I toll you *hiccup* I ca-cant get drrunk"

He sighs in loving exasperation.

"Love, you're slurring, you can't hardly stand, you're not alert. Even if you aren't drunk you're still in no position to be giving consent. As tempting as it is I have to say no"

You pout at him and he smiles shaking his head.

"What have I gotten myself into"

You start trying to get your dress off but your fingers don't seem to be working. You give up and look up at Loki. He snaps his fingers and suddenly you're in a nice soft sleeping tunic.

Loki sits up on the bed with a book and you curl up against him

"A cradle song, by William Blake:
Sweet dreams form a shade,
O'er my lovely infants head.
Sweet dreams of pleasant streams,
By happy silent moony beams

Sweet sleep with soft down.
Weave thy brows an infant crown.
Sweet sleep Angel mild,
Hover o'er my happy child.

Sweet smiles in the night,
Hover over my delight.
Sweet smiles Mothers smiles,
All the livelong night beguiles.."

You don't hear the rest of the poem as you drift off to sleep.

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