45. April fools

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When Kyle comes to, you introduce him to everyone. Your mom is in hybrid form and Kyle notices.

"Woah! Do you have dog ears?"

Your mom smiles,

"Yes, I'm part wolf. This is my hybrid form"

Kyle looks and you and you internally curse.

"Didn't you say something like that before?"

Your mom answers for you.

"Yes, Rose has the same wolf powers that I do"


Your mom shifts to wolf form and comes over letting him pet her. He is amazed.

"That's so cool!"

She steps back and shifts back to hybrid.

Your dad speaks to you telepathically

'You didn't tell him?'


'Why not darling?'

'Because I'm afraid he won't like us if he knows'

'It's alright, if he doesn't like you because of nova then he's not worth your time'

'Okay daddy,'

You steel yourself and speak to Kyle.

"Hey I-I'm sorry I lied to you before. It's not a Halloween costume or colored contacts. It's called the gift of wolf and me and my mom both have it. I share my body with the spirit of a wolf. Her name is Nova. Please please don't hate me"

"That's awesome! Why would I hate you?"

"I don't know"

He hugs you and you hug him back.

"I will never hate you for something you can't control"

You spend a while with Kyle that day, answering questions and introducing him to Nova and just goofing around. You also tell him about your Asgardian heritage.

"You're a princess?!"

"Oh uh, yeah I guess I am"


Near the end of the school year it's your birthday and you're so happy. April 1st. You love celebrating with your family. Maybe you can celebrate with your classmates too!

You walk into the school building and it's more chaotic than usual. Pranks run wild and you keep hearing this phrase repeated over and over.

"April fools!"

What does that mean? You shrug it off, it's probably just people being dumb. You head to class and sit in your seat.

"It's my birthday today!"

The teacher responds

"Well happy birthday Rosa"

Another kid goes to say happy birthday and then stops.

"Oh ha! It's April fools day! You almost had me there Rosa"

The teacher as well as everyone else catches on and laughs.

"Nice prank!"

You fake laugh along with them. What is this April fools thing? Why don't they believe you about your birthday? You feel awful, you thought this day was going to go much different.

When you open the classroom door a cup of water dumps on you from above and you jump back surprised and now soaking wet. You go hide in the bathroom.

"Jarvin,please call mommy"

"Dialing, are you alright miss Galactica? Should I activate emergency protocol?"

"No, no emergency just call mom"

She picks up the phone on the second ring

"Rose? Are you alright baby girl"

"No, mommy can I come home?"

This is the first time you have ever asked to come home from school. You love school, just not today.

"Of course you can"

Your mom steps out of a portal behind you and sees that you're soaked. She reaches into another portal and pulls out a towel. She wraps it around you as she scoops you up into her arms. You burry your head in her neck and you feel tears run down your face.

"Mommy, what is April fools?"

She hugs you tighter.

"Oh I'm so sorry baby, let's go home"

She portals the two of you back home and you get dried off. Muffin curls up in your lap when you sit with mom on the couch.

The whole family works together to cheer you up and they succeed. You find out that April fools day is a day where people have a bunch of fun pulling pranks on each other. You laugh as they tell you about how April fools used to be at the tower.

Your dad turns uncle Thor into a cat for 'demonstration' And you laugh as uncle Thor meows his complaints.

"Why don't you have awesome April fools day anymore?"

"We celebrate your birthday instead"


Uncle Thor meows loudly until dad turns him back. You think of something

~Aka/sparks pov~

You regret not telling Rose about April fools, poor pup. You'll take her to play in the woods tonight to cheer her up.


"Yes baby?"

"Can we celebrate my birthday on April 2 from now on and still have April fools day on April 1?"

You look to the others in the room contemplating for a moment before you decide

"Of course we can do that!"

Tony comments

"Why would we do that? You can't change your birthday-"

You shoot him a deadly glare and he hesitates a second before continuing

"-it's not something you can control you just have to deal with-"

Clint is already at the board erasing the 352 on the board and you're about to defenestrate Tony when Rose yells.


Thor sees her pointing at Tony and throws him out the window.


You know for certain that wasn't an accident and you laugh. DASS zooms past you out the window.

"There goes DASS, also Thor no fair I wanted to do that"

"Better be faster next time then"

You stick your tongue out at him. And Peitro seems confused


Bruce clarifies

We Averting


Clint adds a tally to the section of the whiteboard titled
'That ones evil incidents this week'

Tony flies back in the window and you step up to him. Loki fixes the window with magic and you speak threateningly to Tony.

"You ever heard the term mama bear?"

He nods and you speak slowly in a low growl

"I promise you mama wolf is much much worse"

He swallows hard and steps back realizing his mistake. You toss him right back out the window just for good measure. Clint speaks

"Geez we're gonna have to start counting my the hour of this keeps up"

You go back to Rosa and her birthday party you planned starts. The party goes great and seems to cheer her up a lot.

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