56. Valkyries

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~Rosa POV~

You open your eyes to see grandma frigga slay a big monster. On your right is a wolf.


The wolf nods her head confirming that she is in fact nova. You pet her head. Mom, wolf mom, and grandma Frigga all turn to you. Mom speaks first.

"What are you doing here?!"

You shrug

"Honestly I don't even know where here is, I just touched you guys and closed my eyes"

Frigga puts her hand on your shoulder,

"You're more powerful than I thought"

Then she shoves you aside and you don't realize why until you look up and see that she slayed another beast.

"So are you grandma Frigga! I didn't know you could fight"

She smiles

"We are a race of warriors, you were misguided if you thought their queen was fragile"

As she wiped sweat from her forehead the sleeve of her dress falls back revealing a tattoo

As she wiped sweat from her forehead the sleeve of her dress falls back revealing a tattoo

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You recognize that tattoo, you've seen in in the Asgardian history books.

~Loki POV~

No! Nonono! Now all three of them are in the spirit realm and I can't get them out. I try to enter the spirit realm with them but I don't have that power. I pace the room


Stark comes over

"Hey calm down, we're all worried about them and panicking isn't going to help anyone"

I spin around to face him.

"Calm down? CALM DOWN?! My wife and mother  are in a realm that I grew up reading horror stories about and now so is my daughter! There's nothing I can do to get to them or protect them or even ! I've lost my wife before and I'm not doing it again! I'm about to loose the three people who I love the most and you want me to calm down?! I have a right to be upset! You take your 'calm down' somewhere else! Fuck off and go to hel!"

A grab him by the shirt and lift him in the air about to throw him out the window when I see that my skin is blue and drop him. I look around the room and almost everyone is looking at me with fear or worry in their eyes.

Thor comes over and tries to hug me but I back away.

"No! Don't touch me it'll hurt you!"

~Peter POV~

Peter watches in horror as Loki yells at Mr. Stark and his skin turns blue. Loki's eyes turn crimson red. He picks up Mr. Stark by the shirt but immediately drops him backing away. He looks down at his hands.

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