13. The gift of wolf

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When the door is shut you notice Thor, bouncing on his toes like an excited child.

"What are you so happy about?"

"My brother just thanked you"


"He likes you. And you like him too don't you?"

You fake yawn,

"Im really tired, i'mgonnagotosleep goodnight"

You rush off to your bedroom trying to avoid Thor and close the door behind you. You try not to think too much about it, unsuccessfully. Surely Thor was wrong, you only just met.

You wake up early the next morning before the sun rises and can't go back to sleep. So you head down to the lounge surprised to find that Loki is already there, sitting on the couch with some hot tea.

"Well good morning Loki, what are you doing up so early?"

"I could ask the same of you."

"Fair point, I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep"

He nods,

"I understand"

You sit on the other side of the couch he's on. You try to start conversation.

"So what's it like on asgard?"

He sighs

"The last few years were hell, being in prison was bad, the only okay part was when mother visited and brought me books"

The corners of his mouth twitch up when he talks about his mother. You see that the bags under his eyes are gone and he's looking overall healthier this morning. His eyes aren't so dull today and he's actually willingly interacting with you.

"What about before that?"

He smiles just a little bit and proceeds to tell you all about his home land of Asgard. He tells you all about the city of gold, seemingly happy to find an excuse to talk about his glorious home, but then he stops, seemingly catching himself and puts the attention on you. The sun is rising on the horizon.

"What about you? What's a normal midgardian girl doing with these muling quims"

He jerks a thumb towards the hall with some of the bedrooms.

"Thor said you've been here for a while, why aren't you dead?"

You chuckle about his bluntness

"That would be because I'm not a regular midgardian, didn't Thor tell you about me?"

"No. He said I had to figure it out myself"

Thor said wolves are treasured on Asgard, so you hope Loki will like your wolf form. You close your eyes and imagine everything about your wolf form, from your nose to your paws to your fur to your tail, and when you open your eyes again Loki's eyes are wide and his jaw is slack.

You lie down and lick his hand and he absentmindedly pets your fur. Looking at you with wide eyed wonder he repeats the same thing Thor said the first time you met him,

"The gift of wolf.."

At that moment Thor walks in with a big smile on his face.

"I see you have met our puppy brother"

You snap your head over to him and growl. He knows better than to call you a puppy. He holds his hands up surrender style then goes into the mini kitchen in the lounge.

"Why didn't you tell me she had the gift of wolf you oaf? Do you know how long I've been worrying about her?"

"I thought you'd like to figure it out on your own"

This is when you shift to hybrid form,

"What are you guys talking about?"

Loki gives Thor a death glare and then reaches his palm toward your forehead. You shy away a bit. And Loki reassures you,

"It's okay, let me show you"

So you let him place his palm on your forehead and you instinctively close your eyes. You see a gorgeous wolf on a cliff with the sun setting behind her. Upon closer inspection you see that the wolf is badly wounded. Her breathing is heavily labored.

The wolf limps up to two little boys and collapses, shifting into a hybrid form very similar to yours. She looks specifically at the skinny one with raven hair. She puts one of her hands over his. His hand immediately starts glowing green. Both the boys are on their knees now. Tears are running down the raven haired boy's face.

"Please, find her,"

She coughs hard,

"Save my baby"

With that she collapses, her hand still on the boy's. You realize now that the boys are Loki and Thor. Young Thor stands up,

"Come, we must tell father"

Loki doesn't speak, he just sits there and swipes his eyes with one arm, the other hand, still holding the wolfs hand, still glows green.

"You cannot heal her brother, she's dead. We have to go!"

Loki turns back to Thor, a river of tears flowing from each eye.

"I have to try Thor!!"

He turns back to her, still trying to heal her. Young Thor grabs young Loki's arm and starts to drag him away.

"It's getting dark, we have to go! You know the dangers of being near the woods this late!"

"Unhand me!"

Young loki pulls away and stops to look at Thor for a couple seconds. Then he turns and runs right into the woods.

"I'm going to find her!"

Young loki disappears into the woods and young Thor runs as fast as he can to get to the castle and find his parents.

You feel yourself come back to reality and you open your eyes as Loki takes his palm from your forehead. You stare into Loki's eyes and he stares back as Thor looks between you.

"What did you show her?"

"The day her mother died"

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