29. Don't go it alone

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You practically tackle him as tears of joy stream down your cheeks.

"Yesyesyes! I love you so much!"

He smiles broader than you've ever seen and the two of you right yourselves and Loki puts the ring on your finger. Aka accepts as well and is just as excited as you are. You and Loki plop on the bed in a fit of laughter. He Magic's you both into pajamas and you cuddle up in his bed and fall asleep.

In the morning you wake up with a cat across your face and push her off. You sit up and try to get the hair out of your mouth.

"Not cool muffin, there's an entire bed for you to lay on"


You roll your eyes as she starts to groom herself. Loki rolls over and sleepily cracks his eyes open.

"Good morning my love"

"Good morning my king"

You kiss his forehead,

"it's alright, you can go back to sleep."

He does so and you sneak off to do something you've been wanting to since the first day you came to Asgard.

As you walk along the halls you're tailed by muffin.

"I thought You went back to bed"


"Okay whatever"

Are you actually having a conversation with a cat? You shrug and enter Friggas garden. You shift to wolf and go through smelling every flower. Some of them make you sneeze but most of them smell really good.

Once you're content to have smelled every flower you shift back to hybrid and stand on the garden balcony leaning on the rail and watching the sun start to rise. Not too much later Frigga enters the garden. She comes up to you.

"Hello dear"

"Good morning mama Frigga"

You don't know when or why you started calling her that but she likes it and it feels right so you don't stop.

"Are you alright?"

You turn to her with a smile and hold out your left hand to show her the ring.


She gasps and tears fill her eyes as she hugs you tightly.

"I always knew you were perfect for each other"

You smile and turn back to the balcony. Your smile fades as you start to get lost in thought again. She steps up next to you with concern in her eyes.

"What's wrong darling? Are you unhappy with him?"

"No no it's not that, I've just been thinking about the prophecy"

"What about it?"

"If they save 
The golden dove
Powers shall be revealed

But if they act
In selfish ways
Their curse shall be sealed

What are we supposed to be saving the golden dove from?"

"I cannot tell you for sure, but I'm sure you will figure it out"

"Thank you"

The two of you continue small talk until you have an idea, but you don't tell her what it is. You go back to you and Loki's room so you can get dressed in suitable clothes for the woods. Loki sees you on your way out the door.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing much, I'll be back"

You slip out the door and head outside. You go to the horse field. You would rather fly than walk.

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