24. Suprise (part two)

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The three of you look at the palace and you sense him tensing up.

"Alright love, before I show you around we've got something to do"

"What is it?"

"We must announce our arrival to the allfather"


You can't help but feel nervous but you try not to show it. You want to be strong for Loki. After hearing how the allfather has treated him, you know he's dreading this. Loki takes a deep breath and blows it out. You kiss his cheek.

"It's okay Lokes"

"Thanks love, but I'm not so sure"

The three of you step up to the doors of the throne room and two guards open the doors. Inside is a big golden room. At the end is a couple stairs and two thrones, the smaller one is empty.

In the bigger throne is a man. He holds a staff. His hair is grey and he has an eyepatch. He looks rather old, but not frail whatsoever. He's rather intimidating glaring down at you.

Thor and Loki put their right arms over their chests and bow on one knee at the stairs to the throne. You mimic their movements. Thor speaks.

"Father, We are back from Midgard for a short time"

He pounds his staff on the floor one time,


He looks over you,

"I see you have found the lost wolf. Aka, you look much like your mother"

"Thank you sir"

He puts his focus on Loki, you can see Loki steels himself, not showing his emotion.

"Prince Loki, Heimdall has told me of your good works on Midgard, I believe you have proven yourself. Welcome home my boy."

Loki let's out the slightest sigh of relief.

"Thank you, most gracious Allfather"

"Thor, my son, good job as always"

"Thank you father"

"you are all dismissed,"

You Loki and Thor bow and then head back out the door. The second the doors are closed behind you Loki let's out a sigh of relief and you give him a hug. Thor pats his shoulder

"You see brother? I told you it would be alright"

Loki nods his head and the nervousness seems to melt away. Thor goes off to meet with his friends and a smile spreads across Loki's face.

"Come, I must introduce you to mother"

He grabs your hand and pulls you along as he speeds through the palace halls. You laugh and trip over your feet as you try to keep up. He stops at a doorway.

The two of you step out into a gorgeous garden. There are flowers and plants of every color. The sweet smell engulfs you and you resist the urge to run around the garden investigating each one.

In the middle of the garden is a beautiful woman with a flowing golden dress. Her skin is clear and her hair flows down to her chest. As she turns to see you she's practically glowing.

"My son, you're home"

She gracefully speed walks over to Loki and hugs him tight, he hugs her back just as tight. He reminds you of a small child as he buries his face in her neck and she pets his hair. You can't help but smile.

"I've missed you mother"

When they let go you see a single tear slide down Loki's cheek that he quickly swipes away. They both turn to you and her eyes light up.

Self proclaimed monsters (Loki x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora