2. Remember me

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You let the men in and the three of you awkwardly stand there,

"so um, mr. Stark, mr. Rodgers, what can I do for you?"

You're getting nervous, why did you just let two strange men in your house?

"You can call me tony" he winks at you, "have you ever heard of S.H.I.E.L.D?"

You shake your head. Mr Rodgers speaks,

"S.H.I.E.L.D is an organization built to protect people, and we could really use your help"

you swallow hard, you almost forgot about your..'abilities' you start remembering all the people who have tried to take advantage of you. 

He continues,"with powers like yours-" you cut him off, suddenly very done with this conversation and really starting to get nervous,

"I'm not interested in being kidnapped or imprisioned again, thanks"

you start to back away your heartbeat speeding up.

Steve Rogers takes your hand in both of his and drops down on one knee,

"I promise you miss (y/n), we mean you no harm"

he seems sincere but you've been through too much to trust him.

Your eyes dart around your surroundings

'where did I put my gun'

It's been so long, you thought you had escaped from the people trying to manipulate you for their own gain.

You back up a few steps more and your breathing is speeding up, two men versus you and you have nothing to defend yourself.

Your chest starts to hurt really bad and suddenly you're gasping for air. Your vision is blurry and you can hear your heart pounding in your ears. Your knees weaken and suddenly you're on the floor choking and gasping for breath.

"(y/n). (y/n) it's okay"

The calm voice of Tony Stark.

"(y/n) you're having a panic attack, I need you to breathe"

You try, but images you don't understand are flashing through your head, making focusing on anything else nearly impossible.


"I swear mutt you will listen to me or get thrown in the pound!"

"I'm not a dog!"

Your foster father steps towards you, balling his fist.

"You wanna raise your voice at me again?"


Your head pounds so hard it feels like someone is taking a sledgehammer to your head. Then, all at once, everything goes black.

You wake up on your couch, the two men are gone. You sit up and see a note on the table next to your couch. It's from them. You read it and it's about how they mean you no harm and don't want to kidnap you and blah blah blah. It says that they need your help and if you come work with them, they can offer you protection against anyone who tries to harm you.

There's a phone number at the bottom of the page for you to call them. You set the paper back down and rub your eyes.

"That was quite the episode darling"

You look up to see Loki a few feet away from you. You're irritated and sad and confused and just a whole mix of emotions.

"Would you people please just leave me alone!"

You grab your blanket and curl up in it on the part of the couch farthest from him, too exhausted to deal with him. If he plans to harm you, there's not much you can do about it.

"Excuse me, I am not a people, I am a God"

You don't have the energy to deal with this right now.

You feel a tear roll silently down your cheek. When you don't respond he comes over. When he touches your shoulder you turn and push him away,

"pPlease just leave me alone! What did I ever do to you?!"

Tears are streaming down your face now and his face softens.

"oh my love,"

his attitude totally changes, now he seems genuine, not cocky and egotistical.

He sits down on the couch next to you and wraps his arms around you. You don't have the strength to fight it.

"I wish I could fix it (y/n), I do,  But the only thing I'm good at is ruining everything I come into contact with"

There is true sadness in his voice.

You don't know what he's talking about but being in his arms feels right, you wiggle farther into his arms. It's still broad daylight but your eyelids grow very heavy and before you know it you're asleep.

It's dark out when you are snatched from your deep dreamless sleep by flashing lights and sirens.

"Loki! (y/n)! We know you're in there! Come out with your hands up!"

Loki is there, looking as startled as you are. He still has his arms wrapped firmly around you.

"We have you surrounded! Come out with your hands up!"

You look around,

"What's going on?"

You look to Loki,

"Are we in trouble?"

"They're after us (y/n), do you remember yet?"

You're confused,

"Remember what?"

He curses under his breath, you recognize the word he says in asgardian,

'why do I know asgardian?'

"Come out with your hands up or we will come in!"

It sounds like the voice is coming from some kind of speaker or megaphone.

"(y/n), I need you to trust me"

'says the man who broke into my house'

but he seems fully serious for once and for some reason you do trust him, though you don't understand why.

You nod your head slightly.

"okay love, follow me"

he takes your hand and leads you to the basement.

He takes you to a specific spot in the concrete wall.

He walks right through it and pulls you through with him, its not a wall at all, just an illusion.Pictures you don't understand flash through your head.

The space is dark, you can't see anything


"I'm here my love"

A greenish glow surrounds you both but you're not quite sure where it's coming from. You can see him now and he takes both your hands in his and looks you right in the eyes,

"please remember me"

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