7. Blast to the past

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The second Tony is out the door you jump to your feet and start pacing. You attempt to process the information.

You were an avenger. You could turn into a wolf, and apparently some kind of hybrid. Correction: you can turn into a wolf. You lived with the avengers since you were 15.

You killed 83 people under mind control. That part brings a strangling sense of guilt to your throat and you try not to think about it.

They erased your memories? That part may be believable, things weren't quite lining up before but you hadn't thought too much about it. Now that you thought of it you didn't remember your childhood or really any time before you lived in that house by yourself.

You try to think about what your life was like before. You so badly want to remember.


Today's the day. You can't take it anymore. You're running away. You gave them plenty of chances but it's clear your foster parents are never going to change.

You look at your reflection in the mirror. Your nose is bloodied and your eye is already turning purple where he hit you. You gently prod the area around your eye with a hiss of pain.

You decide you can clean yourself up after you escape. It won't be long before your foster dad comes stomping up the stairs and you're not sure how long your makeshift lock will hold.

You open your medicine drawer and empty all the contents into your backpack. All of your belongings fit in your backpack and you don't have a phone.

You toss your backpack over your shoulder and open your bedroom window looking down. You're on the second floor and you didn't have time to tie a latter. You start trying to think of another way down but then you hear banging on your bedroom door.

"You better open this damn door right now you little mutt!"

The sound of your foster fathers voice scares you and your wolf takes over. She throws you both out the window and rolls just right so you don't get hurt.

With that you're up and running. It's at times like these that you're thankful for your wolf. People never truly understand but you share your body with the spirit of a wolf

She is her own separate consciousness inside you, it's impossible to explain accurately. She can be irritating, especially during the full moon and when she's in heat, but ultimately she keeps you safe, she's part of you, and you couldn't imagine life without her.

You make it to the main sidewalk and continue running, trying to get as far away from that awful place as you possibly can.

You run for at least a couple of miles, you've always had more stamina than other people, that's probably due to you being part wolf. When you finally slow down to a walk you're legs ache and you're sweaty.

It's only now that you begin to think about what you're going to do now. You didn't think this far into the plan. You have no money, no food, no place to stay. You could probably find an alleyway to stay in for the night.

There's no way you're going back, anything would be better than that awful place. You can't go back to the abuse.

You're lost in thought when you run right into a man on the sidewalk.

"Hey watch where you're-"

"I'm so sorry sir, I-I didn't mean to"

You glance up at the man only for a moment before ducking your head in submission and trying to get past him quickly to avoid any violence.

Right when you think it's over the man grabs your arm, stopping you, and you brace yourself, expecting him to hit you.

"Hey kid, what happened to you?"

He turns you to face him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please don't hurt me"

Your foster dad would've beat you for that. You look at the man, really look at him, and see the soft expression on his face. He has brown hair and a three piece suit. You look at his face again and realize.

You recognize this man, you've seen him on tv. This is Tony Stark. You just ran into Tony freaking Stark.

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