40. We are worms!

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The safety level is finished just in time for the full moon and you, Loki, and Rosa are locked in for the night. For the others safety you tell them not to open the door until sunrise. You're not taking any chances.

At sundown Rosa shifts to wolf. She won't be able to shift back until sunrise. Since you are 1006 years old the moon doesn't effect you as much and you have control on how you shift but you decide to let Aka have control for the night.

You and Loki shift and you and Loki howl your greeting to the moon. You decide to name Rosa's wolf nebula because of the galaxy pattern in her fur. Nebula shakes out her fur and looks around very confused. This is her very first time being out.

Aka Loki and Nebula run and play around the wolf level all night and you're content to sit back and watch. When the sun starts to rise Rosa gets control again and is very tired. Aka gives you control and you shift. Rosa comes over and hugs your leg.

"Mommy I'm sweepy"

"I know baby, let's go to bed"

You scoop Rosa up in your arms and carry her to the elevator. Loki comes with. You stop at the lounge to let everyone know you're alright but only Tony is there waiting. You ask him to tell the others to let you sleep for a while and he agrees and then heads to bed himself. He must've been up all night.

By the time you get to the level with the bedrooms Rosa is sound asleep in your arms. Instead of taking her to her room you just take her with you to you and Loki's room. You and Loki curl up with Rosa between you and sleep for the rest of the day.

The next day Rosa, Peter, and Bucky watch a movie on the couch. You're not sure what movie but you're pretty sure Bucky's only there because he's trying to get Rosa to stop calling him uncle octopus. As you walk by you notice that Loki has gotten sucked into the movie as well and is now sitting on the couch watching with them and braiding Rosa's hair.

So that's where she learned to braid

You walk back into the room a little while later when the movie's over and the four of them are huddled together whispering. You look at them suspiciously.

"What are you doing?"

They separate and Loki shapeshifts to look like the character Hades.

"They're here and you didn't tell me!?"

Rosa, Peter, and surprisingly Bucky, fall on the ground in front of him

"We are worms! We are worms!"

You laugh at their little scene until Rosa turns into an actual earth worm. You rush over and she turns back laughing. They all broke character and laughed. You're definitely talking to Loki about this later.


"How did Rosa shape shift earlier?"

"I may or may not have taught her"

"Why the hell would you teach a 4 year old to shape shift?!"

"Because it was funny!"

"You seriously think a shapeshifting 4 year old is a good idea?"

"No but it seemed fun at the time"

You and Loki turn when you hear voices in the hallway outside your room.

"You said you'd stop calling me uncle octopus!"

"I didn't say for how long!"

You open the door and Loki speaks from behind you.

"That's my girl!"

You swat his arm.

"Excuse me young lady, you're supposed to be in bed"

"I said I'd go to bed not that I'd stay there"

She sticks her tongue out at you and Loki laughs.

"I've created a monster"

Loki takes Rosa off to bed and you turn to Bucky.

"We're you seriously just arguing with a four year old?"

"In my defense she promised she'd stop"

You pat his shoulder laughing and shaking your head

"You just got hustled by a four year old"

Bucky goes off to who knows where and then suddenly a baby llama runs by your door and a very out of breath Loki runs by after her and stops in front of you.

"Please- help-"

"Nope, that's your problem. You taught her to shape shift, you can deal with the consequences"

You hear a crash and Loki teleports away. You go back to bed. He can deal with her this time.


You wake up the next morning to Rosa jumping up and down on top of you.


You yell over her towards the door.


Peter runs in and grabs Rosa.

"Come on Little Rose, let's go back to the movie"


You go back and forth spending about a week on Asgard and a month on Midgard so that she can grow accustomed to both cultures. The first time you go back to Asgard there are three horses are waiting for you instead of two. You go up to say hi to lady and she promptly pins her ears and stomps at you. Abby scolds her.

Rose goes towards lady.

"Wait Rosa no she-.."

You trail off as lady happily prances up to Rosa and nickers as Rosa giggles and pets her. You roll your eyes.

"Fine I see how it is"

While you're there Rosa meets a little Asgardian boy her age. They get along well and you smile seeing them play together in the field. Rosa shifts to wolf from and you worry that the boy won't accept her until they get along even better. You laugh as you watch them.

Rosa's second full moon is on Asgard and the pull of the moon is much stronger there because there are multiple. One of them is full. You Nubula and Loki spend the night running and playing in Asgard's woods with the Wolfpack and Fenris. The woods are much much less dangerous now that Hela isn't evil and you've found thats she's actually a very powerful ally.

You and help both fret when Nubula and Fenris meet for the first time. She is a gentle giant but still.

Fenris and Nebula get nose to nose and you let out a breath when they both play bow. Fenris just about give you a panic attack when she picks Nebula up and runs off. When you catch up to them they're playing in a little clearing in the woods. This child sure is a handful, you already feel bad for her future teachers.

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