62. Embarrasing marks

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Rosa: Kyle? Oh my gosh, the same Kyle who I used to go to school with?

Kyle: I don't know, does the Rosa I'm texting share her body with a wolf named Nova?

Rosa: oh my gosh yes it's you!

You bounce up and down on your bed in excitement. You never thought you'd hear from him again after his mom got all weird.

(Warning: suggestive talk)

-Aka POV-

You stand in front of the mirror putting some makeup over the blue and purple marks on your skin. Loki hugs you from behind and kisses one of the spots you haven't covered yet.

"Why cover them up my love?"

"Because it's embarrassing"

"Are you embarrassed of me?"

"No no of course not"

You turn and peck him on the lips

"I just-.. don't really want everyone to know what we do in private.."

"As if they don't already know"

"What do you mean?"

"Come on darling, we're Married, you really think they don't know that we have sex?"

You look down and blush. He raises your chin and kisses you tenderly on the lips. You finish your makeup assuring that everything is covered and then head out of your room with Loki.

When you, Loki, and Rosa get to the bifrost hiemdall smiles.

"You look very nice princess, though you might want to bring an umbrella"

You don't have time to process what hiemdall meant before you're sucked into the bifrost. You marvel at the beautiful colors of the bifrost as always and you're met with a shock when you land on the roof of New York. Now you know what he meant.

You are immediately drenched when you set foot on the roof and run for the door. The elevator opens first so you run in there with Rosa and Loki. Rosa leans against the corner of the elevator as the doors close.

"Thanks Jarvis"

"Of course Rose, it's good to have you back"

You look down at your clothing, you're completely soaked. You look at Loki. He and Rosa are completely dry.

"Would you please dry me off?"

He smirks and whispers to you telepathically.

'I'm better at making you wet, I think last night proves that'

You look down at the floor and feel your face go hot.


He kisses your forehead and when he pulls away you're dry. You sigh

"Thank you"

"Of course my love"

They way he says it is sweet, too sweet, suspicious. You don't have time to question him before the elevator door slides open and Rosa runs out. She hops up into your hammock that's basically hers now and swings back and forth giggling.

The team rushes over and gasp when they see you. Tony speaks first.

"What happened to-.."

He looks you up and down and then back and forth between you and Loki then gives you a look. Vision looks confused. Nat Bucky and Clint look amused. Thor looks disturbed. Bruce is shuffling awkwardly. Sam is containing giggles. Peppers eyes widen for a sec and then she raises her eyebrows at you.

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