57. Asgardian

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~Rosa POV~

Mom, Dad, and Grandma Frigga explain that there's a prophecy about you and tell you not to freak out about it. You just quietly take it in.

""The fist born child
Will be most wild
Midgard beware
Of the galaxy hair

A rose of white
Also bleeds red
The weight of the world
Shall dance on her head

A choice she shall make
While dancing on a lake
But if she chooses wrong
You'll never hear her song

When the day is near
Cast aside your fear
In the midnight surf
It's a question of worth"

You think about the prophecy. So there's some big decision you'll have to make that'll decide your fate? Huh, that's a lot of pressure for a ten year old.

Mom: "Rosa?"

You: "Yes?"

Dad: "are you alright?"

You: "yep"

You convince your parents that it doesn't bother you. You try not to let them see you worry about it. You try not to worry about it either but it's hard. You secretly have it memorized and go over it in your head when you can't sleep.

Nova calms you down by convincing you that it's probably a long way away. Yeah, okay. You don't have to worry about it right now.

At 11 years old you walk into middle school for the first time hand in hand with Kyle.

"Into the unknooowwwn!"

Kyle laughs

"Didn't you do that when you started at our old school?"


"Are you gonna do that every time?"


Kyle chuckles

"Nice stitch impression!"

"Thanks! I've been practicing!"

The two of you head into school together. You look at your schedule, you have 8 class periods all in different places. Your first one is math.

You and Kyle have no trouble finding the class and are greeted at the door by the teacher.

"Hello! You must be Rosa and Kyle! It's nice to meet you I've heard so much about you!"

You smile

"Thanks, nice to meet you but you can call me Rose"

"And you can call me ky"

"Alright well my name's miss Niebling (nee-bling) I'll be your Math teacher. come on in and pick a seat, seats won't be assigned unless they have to be."


You and Ky pick your seats. The class goes by smoothly with introductions and miss niebling is really nice. Your next class is Asgardian history with miss smith.

"Welcome students to Asgardian history. Since the Asgardians have been spending more and more Time with us, the administration thought it nessicary to add a class concerning them. While this is not a required history class, it will earn you a history credit"

You're excited for this class because it's actually interesting. That class and the rest of your classes go by smoothly with mainly introductions. You only have one class without Kyle and that class feels like it takes forever.

You walk home to the tower with Kyle. When you get there you're immediately greeted by Peter.

"Hey little Rose, how was your first day in middle school?"

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