16. Brat

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Loki refuses to leave your side after that and you understand why. He keeps asking you how you're feeling and you keep saying you're okay but it only seems to worry him more.

His ability to multitask amazes you as he keeps an eye on you while flipping through an ancient-looking book searching for an answer to your state.

You badly want the rest of your memories back but yo do your very best not to think about it, just socializing with the team. You look up and are delighted to see that your hammock is still up.

The couch you usually jump on is occupied so you turn to cap.

"Hey cap, can I get a boost?"

"I don't think you should be getting up there with the current situation. Besides, your boyfriend here would kill me"

Loki responds without looking up from the book,

"That I would. Don't get up there,"

You mock pout

"You guys are no fun, also are we dating?"

This time Loki's head pops up from his book. As he responds to you he throws two knives at cap who catches one and dodges the other. Pepper jumps, she doesn't usually chill with the team.

"No love, they're just teasing"

You nod as pepper stands up,

"Can we not throw knives inside?"

Loki summons another dagger and you put your hand over his,

"Don't, she's only human"

He sighs,

"I wasn't actually going to throw it unless she gave me a good reason."

"Okay good"

For Loki a good reason could be breathing in his direction but you settle with this for now. You wonder why you know these things without remembering the specific memories.

Tony stands up to calm Pepper and then the two of them sit back down. You still want up in your hammock but it's obvious no one is gonna help after that. You scan the room contemplating how you're gonna get up when you see it.

Peter is sitting on the couch fiddling with one of his web shooters and the other one is sitting on the table.


You know how to use peters web shooters from 'borrowing' them in the past before your even met Loki. You run past and snatch the web shooter off the table. You use it to get into your hammock before anyone knows what happened.

Everyone looks up at you. You sit there in your hammock looking down at them with a smug smile on your face.

Cap, Clint, Bucky, and peitro look impressed. Tony and Thor laugh. Bruce and Pepper look startled. Nat smirks proudly. Loki glares.

Peter looks at you, then the table, then you.

"Hey that's mine!"

You toss Peter his web shooter and he jumps to catch it.

"Sorry Peter"

Nat Leans back comfortably on the couch,

"I've taught you well"

You smile at her. Then you catch a glance at loki and he narrows his eyes at you.


His tone of voice makes your heart pound and your filled with a sort of excitement.


Everyone else returns to their seats to watch the situation unfold. Loki stands up and you swallow hard.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm sitting in my hammock"

You stick your tongue out at him.

"You mean like I specifically told you not to?"

His question isn't a question. You nod your head and fiddle with the edge of your hammock as your heart kicks it up a notch.


"But I just got up here"

"Get down now"

"I don't wanna"

"(Y/n), get down out of that hammock"

"Make me"

You hear gasps from a couple people on the couches and then you realize your mistake. Loki teleports into the hammock with you and you Yelp in surprise. The hammock is just big enough for both of you.

Loki lightly wraps his hand around your neck, not to choke you but rather just to hold you. He only puts pressure on the sides of your next and you can still breathe just fine.

He pushes you down in the hammock this way where the others, who are pretending not to watch, can't see you. You squirm a bit underneath him and he gives you a light squeeze around your next that makes you stop. You gulp hard and you hear your heartbeat in your ears.

Loki leans down next to your ear and you feel his cool breath as he whispers so only you can hear.


With that he teleports the both of you back down to the couch and picks up the book to continue as if nothing happened. Your heart is still pounding and you love the adrenaline rush. 

You smile at Loki reading and start to stand up off the couch.


You disobey him and suddenly there are ropes magically pulling you back down to the couch.

"Hey! Loki that's not fair!"

He only smiles as you're plopped onto the couch with one rope around your waist and another around each ankle. They aren't tight or uncomfortable but they do keep you from getting up and they won't budge when you pull at them.

"Lokiii, i'm bored"

You pout at him and he summons your sketchbook and pencils and gives them to you. You take them and get so sucked into your drawing that you don't even notice when Loki vanishes the ropes.

The rest of the day goes smoothly and by the time the sun is setting your eyelids are extremely heavy. You struggle to keep yourself awake and wonder if it would be bad to recover the memories in your sleep.

You fall asleep curled up on the couch, wondering about the memories you're missing.

One or two memories couldn't hurt right?

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