74. Cold

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The winter after your fifteenth birthday you wake up shivering. You wrap your sheets around you but it's still not enough. Is this what it's like to be cold? You've felt cold before but not like this.

When you felt cold before it was always refreshing. Like an ice cold lemonade on a hot summer day.

This is different. It's not refreshing. It's a type of cold that crawls under your skin and rattles your bones. It seeps into every ounce of your body making your muscles stiff and sore. It wraps around you like a hungry snake ready to swallow you whole. It seeps into your bloodstream and courses through you making every last inch of your body stiff and sore.

You drag yourself out of your room and into the hallway where it's warm and collapse on the floor out of energy and hoping to warm up. You're still shivering like crazy.

"Oh my god! Rose!"

Kyle drops the glass of water he had on the carpet and runs over to you. He checks your pulse and feels your forehead.

"Jeez rose you're freezing"

"S-s-s-so c-c-c-cold"

Kyle scoops you up in his arms and carries you to your parents room.

"Aka! Loki! Somethings wrong with rose!"

They pull their covers off and jump up to come over to you.

"Her pulse is weak and she's shivering cold"

Mom and dad both feel your forehead and are perplexed. Dad takes your hand.

"Can you show me your joten form?"

You attempt to shift just the hand he's holding but it fails and causes you a lot of pain. You cry out.


You can barely speak through your trembling lips. You hear mom's voice as you close your eyes.

"We need to get her warmed up. Jarvis, wake up Tony, Bruce and anyone else who might be able to help. And call strange, tell him there's an emergency."

"Yes ma'am"

You feel yourself passed from Kyle to someone else. You are still trembling wildly.

"I'm taking her to the healing ward, meet me there"

Footsteps run off and the next thing you know you are placed on a soft surface.

~Aka pov~

You lay Rose down trembling on the bed where she curls up into a vibrating ball. You pull the blanket up and around her. She doesn't respond, just keeps trembling.

Strange walks in through a portal.

"What's going on?"

"She's freezing, usually that's normal but she's actually being effected by the cold this time"

Strange checks her pulse and listens to her heart. Kyle, Loki, and Tony run in followed immediately by Bruce.

"Tony, Bruce, do we have any heat lamps?"

"Yeah here"

Bruce quickly grabs a couple heat lamps and starts setting them up. Strange addresses everyone.

"We need to warm her up"

You have an idea

"What about a warm bath?"

He nods,

"That'll work, go ahead and run it but make sure it's lukewarm and not hot, we don't want her going into shock. We will have to slowly make the water warmer as she warms up"

Self proclaimed monsters (Loki x reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora