55. Spirit realm

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Mother immediately takes on my same sense of urgency and grabs my hand.


She teleports us to the bifrost. I can't teleport that far on my own and am saving my magic in case I need to use it on Aka.

Hiemdall starts up the bifrost for us immediately. Of course the all seeing gatekeeper knows what's going on. We arrive on Midgard and I lead mom to the lounge.

She's not there. She's not there!

"Jarvis where is my wife?!"

I'm really starting to panic

"She has been moved to the healing ward on account of her condition"

Mother teleports us both down there. In a bed I see my wife. Her eyes are closed and she barely even looks like she's breathing.

"What happened?"

I answer mother's question immediately.

"She spoke a prophecy and then fell into this state, her heart stopped for a few moments."

Mother nods and Strange steps back out of the way as mother checks Aka over.

This couldn't be another memoma could it? No, no it couldn't be, her memories weren't altered. Mother turns to me.

"She's trapped in the spirit realm. I'm going in after her."

She climbs up and kneels over Aka putting two fingers on each of Aka's temples.

"Don't let our bodies be moved. Call Hela, she knows what to do"

With that mother bows her head, closes her eyes and is unresponsive.

~Frigga pov~

Frigga opens her eyes to the spirit realm. It truly is a beautiful place but it's dangerous to be there without her body.

Frigga pulls the Valkyrie sword out of the folds of her dress. She keeps one with her at all times just for situations like this. She looks around. Since she used Aka's body to come here, Aka should be nearby.

Frigga spots Aka quickly, and it's a good thing she does because Aka is defenseless against a spirit eater. Frigga rushes forward and slays the spirit eater with her Valkyrie sword. Aka immediately hugs Frigga.

"Mama frigga! I'm so glad you're here!"

Frigga hugs her back and then sees a wolf approach. She'd recognize this wolf anywhere. This is Aka's wolf form. Frigga knows that they have different names now but she knows them both as Aka and they don't seem to mind.

~Aka pov~

You're sitting on the couch in the lounge watching Rosa play with verge when suddenly everything goes black. The only thing you hear is the echoing of your own voice.

"The fist born child
Will be most wild
Midgard beware
Of the galaxy hair

A rose of white
Also bleeds red
The weight of the world
Shall dance on her head

A choice she shall make
While dancing on a lake
But if she chooses wrong
You'll never hear her song

When the day is near
Cast aside your fear
In the midnight surf
It's a question of worth"

You open your eyes to an unfamiliar place. It is a dry barren land with shadows moving in the distance. You see that you and Aka are separated. She is now a wolf completely.

You turn around to see a shadow looming towards you. it is a big monster with many many tentacles. it rushes you and you try to use your powers to protect yourself but they won't work. the thing makes a screeching sound and reaches for you. Aka leaps forward grabbing a tentacle in her jaws and yanking it off. the creature swings another tentacle knocking aka aside.

Aka wimpers and the beast swings at you and knocks you back. it rushes toward you and you think yours about to die until you see a flash of silver and hear a loud screech.

The beast falls down in front of you dead. You see mama Frigga standing over you and immediately hug her.

"You're here!"

She hugs you back

"Hello darling"

"What is this place?"

"This is the spirit realm"

"Why are we here?"

"You need to tell me what happened"

"I had a vision or prophecy or whatever"

She raises an eyebrow at you skeptically. You look at the ground and kick the dust

"...a prophecy I may or may not have been suppressing for years..."


"I'm sorry! I just-... didn't want to worry Rosa"

She sighs and puts her hands on your shoulders.

"What did I tell you about suppressing prophecies"

"I know I know. I'm sorry"

" it's alright darling, let's just pray that Hela gets here soon"


"Let's just say she has quite a bit of experience in the spirit realm"

~ Rosa Pov~

You try to come into the room where mom is but dad stops you. He's clearly panicking.

"Rosa leave! You don't need to be in here!"


"Go now!"

There are tears running down his face as he turns to you. You instinctively run to him and hug him. He hugs you back

" I cant loose her, not again"

You run over to mom and put one hand on mom and one hand on grandma Frigga. You close your eyes and open them to an unfamiliar place.

Self proclaimed monsters (Loki x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя