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~Rosa pov~

You walk into a room to see Tony and Peter leaning over something and arguing.

"No mister Stark you have to-"

"Don't tell me what to do in my own lab I know what I'm doing"

You look at what they're making

"Are you guys trying to make a light saber?"

Peter responds as Tony gets shocked by the contraption

"Key word there is trying"

You look at it for a moment trying to figure out what's wrong. You then carefully grab one wire disconnecting it from where it was and putting it in what you believe is the right place.

You then close the little hatch and pick it up

"Hey put it down what are you-"

Tony is cut off by the sound of the lightsaber turning on as you press the button. You smile seeing that you fixed it.

Peter and Tony look at you with their jaws practically on the floor.

"What? I've been reading"

You toss it to Peter and he fumbles to catch it.


Mom and dad are going on a date night that night so you're in the tower having a sleepover in the lounge with Wanda, Morgan, and the twins. Shuri ends up coming as well.

You all bring a bunch of pillows and blankets and pull the couch cushions down. Soon you have a pillow fort that extends over a good portion of the lounge.

You talk about what movie to watch and end up deciding on encanto. You're about halfway through the movie when you hear the elevator ding, which is odd because everyone else should be asleep in their rooms. You guess it may be Tony or dad coming to check on you but you're not sure.

You stand up and cautiously make your way towards the elevator. You freeze when you see a face you never thought you'd see again.

Tears run down his face as he cautiously steps toward you.



You both run to each other and hug tight tears running down both your faces. Your reunion is long and when the embrace is finally broken you immediately want it back.

"Kyle, how are you here? I've missed you so much"

"I've missed you too"

He looks at the ground as more tears slide down his face.

"My mom- she- she's dead"

You hug him again tightly.

"Oh no Kyle I'm so sorry!"

He sobs. You conjure him a tissue. You invite him to stay with you for your sleepover and he does. You make a spot for him and cuddle up next to him, playing with his hair as he slowly calms down.

He explains that the reason he didn't answer your messages was because his mom had cancer and he had to sell his phone as well as many other things in order to pay for her treatment.

"My mom died three weeks ago and I got put into the foster care system"

"Why didn't you come here?"

"I was in such a horrible state after losing her that I stopped caring what happened to me. That is until they decided to move me to Texas.  I realized that if they did that then there would be almost no chance of seeing you again and the thought of that was worse than loosing my mother. So I ran away"

You squeeze his hand in sympathy

"I'm glad you came here"

~Aka pov~

You sit in the car with Loki just driving along the road trying to decide where you want to eat.

You end up not going to a sit down place at all but rather you go to the Applebee's drive through for food and then Steak 'n Shake for shakes. You both order extra whipped cream on top.

You rent a hotel room for the night and eat your food there, Loki looks surprised when you dip your fries in your shake but then tries it himself.

You kiss and talk and laugh sitting crisscross on the bed.  When you're both finished eating Loki vanishes the trash. You scoot closer to him on the bed.

"It's been a while since we've had a night alone together"

"That it has darling"

He kisses you well and then breaks the kiss looking into your eyes.

"Is there something you want to do my love?"

You look down and bite your lip. He smirks putting a finger on you chin and lifting your eyes to meet his. His lips come closer and closer to yours. Your eyes dart to his lips as you lick yours.

You close your eyes, your lips parted, you feel his cool breath against your lips. He stops mere centimeters away.  You open your eyes and the corners of his mouth tip up into a devilish smile.

"If you want something, you have to say it"

You close the distance between you and kiss him deeply. He kisses you back hungrily and soon he has rolled you over and is on top of you. He breaks the kiss.

"Tell me what you want darling"

You try to re-initiate the kiss but he leans back out of your reach. You bite your lip in frustration.

"I-I- I want-"

You don't know why it's so hard to say, it's just Loki after all. He's your husband for goodness sake. After a moment he starts to move off of you.

"Fine then, if you don't want to do anything-"

You grab his shoulders pulling him back down and blurt out.

(Slight Smut warning)

"I want you to fuck me"

He smiles

"Good girl"

Your heart flutters and he gives you that kiss you were wanting. You kiss each other hungrily.

While kissing you unbutton his shirt and his hands wander down to your jeans. He unbuttons and unzips your jeans and slides down trailing kisses down your neck and pulling your shirt off. You get his off as well.

He trails kisses down your body and he pulls your jeans off painfully slow. He kisses you through your underwear. You squirm impatiently. He smiles.

"Patients puppy"

He just loves to make you wait doesn't he.

He pulls off your underwear and soon you're completely naked.

"How come I'm always naked first?"

As if on que he smiles and his clothes vanish. You have a very fun night with him and end up trying a couple of new positions.

- (end of smut)

In the morning you wake up tangled up in the sheets with Loki. He wakes up, smiles and kisses you.

"That was a fun night"

"That it was"

You shower together and then get ready to go. When you arrive you go straight to the lounge to check on the kids. They're still asleep besides Wanda. There's a boy you don't recognize because you can't see his face curled up in the blankets with Rose.

Loki practically breathes fire.

"Loki wait!"

A/N: sorry about that cliffhanger lol, I'll update again soon. And about the smut, c'mon, it's chapter 69, what's you expect lol. Unfortunately I had to cut it short or this chapter would be 2 or 3 thousand words. As always thanks for reading, I love y'all

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