10. Casey

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When you come to, the sun is just starting to come up on the horizon. You didn't sleep long, maybe an hour or two, but your head does feel a lot better.

You recognize the presence you feel as your wolf, you can't believe they made you forget about her. Currently in control, your wolf meanders around the room. You feel your stomach rumble.

Your ears prick and you take control when you hear voices outside the door. You stay in wolf form for now so you can eavesdrop better. There's two male voices.

"Casey, it's alright, just take her breakfast, she won't hurt you"

"Are you kidding? She put 23 agents in the medical ward! You weren't there! I was almost one of them! If Thor didn't get there when he did I'd have been killed! I am not going in there!"

"She wouldn't've killed you, she was just upset because we had her boyfriend. Plus if you take her her breakfast it may make her like you."

"Fiiiine. But if she kills me, my death is on your hands mark"

There's a chuckle,

"Whatever you say Casey"

You hear the door beep and switch to human form as to not scare the poor guy more. He must be the one you lunged at before you were knocked away.

When the guy steps in  your suspicion is confirmed, he was the one holding Loki that you lunged at. He comes in with a tray of food that you immediately smell and a mug of tea.

"Hi- I-I'm Casey. I brought you breakfast"

You smile, trying not to scare him.

"Hi Casey, I'm (y/n). Thank you."

You take the tray from him seeing that there's a breakfast steak, some fruit, and a piece of toast on the tray with the tea, but you already knew that because you could smell it.

You set the tray on the table and take a bite of steak then speak to Casey.

"Sorry I scared you before,"

He stumbles over his words

"Oh- uh, yeah- thanks"

He figits nervously,

"I uh- have to- fold- uh- keyboards- bye."

He rushes out of the room like the hounds of hell are on his heels and closes the door behind him. You chuckle at his excuse and shake your head, returning to your breakfast.

You finish your food and then stand looking out the window sipping your tea.


"You're no midgardian"

Thor's words confuse you and he promises he'll explain later, he welcomes you to the tower and leaves saying he'll see you at dinner.

With him gone you decide to take a shower. It's been a long time since you've had a hot shower because your foster parents never let you use the shower, insisting that animals must wash outside.

The only way you could shower there was by using the hose out back or sneaking into the shower while they were both gone, but you had to make sure the shower was completely dry when they got back or you'd be in trouble.

You grab a towel from under the sink and strip off your dirty clothes, stepping into the shower. You turn on the water nice and hot and feel the warm water flow over you washing off all the dirt and muck. You shampoo and condition your hair, running your fingers through it with conditioner to detangle it.

You're not sure how long you stay in the shower just enjoying the feeling but you get out feeling refreshed. You go to the wardrobe and pull out a soft pair of leggings and a t-shirt that's big on you. You look at yourself in the mirror to the bathroom before deciding to head down for dinner.


Your head starts to hurt again even just from that small memory and you sit criss-cross in front of the window, looking down at the cars passing far below. You are extremely bored and start doing origami with the pages of the magazines. When you run out of magazine pages you remember what Tony told you.

"if you need anything tell Jarvis and if it's possible and allowed it'll be brought to you"

You decide to try talking to jarvis.

"Hey, uh, jarvis?"

"What can I do for you miss (y/n)?"

"May I please have a sketchbook and a pencil?"

"Would you like me to send them with your lunch"

"Yes please"

"Okay, your lunch and items are on their way"

You sit on the couch with a huff, still bored. Not too much later you hear familiar voices outside the door.

"Why do I have to do it? Why can't you do it?"

"You have to face your fears Casey, I assure you she won't hurt you, I knew her before the memory wipe, besides, you were fine this morning"

They continue arguing until evetually the door is opened, Casey is shoved in, and the door is closed. You chuckle. He looks at all your little origami flowers and animals and everything in amazement.

"Hi Casey"

"Hi, I uh- have your lunch and stuff"

He hands you the items.

"I won't hurt you you know"

He shuffles nervously.

"Thanks but your boyfriend will, he threatened to turn me into a fish"

You chuckle at the threat. You still don't remember much about Loki but there is a deep connection you feel to him, you miss him now that you think about it.

"I can't speak for Loki but I have no reason to harm you, you seem cool"

"Thanks, you seem cool too, but I would be lying if I said you're not scary"

"Thanks, I think"

You smile, it's nice to have some human interaction.

"Well, enjoy your lunch."


Casey leaves and you eat your lunch, when you finish it you check out the sketchbook. It's a high quality sketchbook with nice thick pages. He also gave you a pack of brand new freshly sharpened pencils. You take out a pencil and start drawing.

Self proclaimed monsters (Loki x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora