43. Rosa's Nightmare(short)

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4Rosa wakes up from a nightmare with a scream and shoots straight up in her bed. She looks around her room panicked and every shadow looks like a monster ready to attack. she shivers in fear as a tear rolls down her cheek.

"mommy? daddy?"

she is met only with silence. she remembers that her parents are out on a date night(whatever that is) and she doesn't think they'll be back yet. the things that happened in her nightmare play over and over through her head and whimpers. she thinks, the only other safe place she can think of is with grandma freeuh.

She gets out of bed with her blanket still wrapped around her. she shutters stepping out the door and runs as fast as she can to get to freeuh and open's bedroom. the only sound is the pitter patter of her bare feet on the floor. Her blanket flies behind her like a cape. She makes it to their bedroom and slowly opens the door.

"grandma freeuh?"

she sees movement in the bed and then hears grandma freeuh's voice

"Rosa? is that you darling?"

Rosa sobs once and runs over to grandma freeuh as she sits up and swings her legs over the side of the bed, open is still asleep. Rosa hugs freeuh's leg and freeuh picks her up into a hug. freeuh wipes a tear from rosa's cheek.

"Whats the matter darling?"


"would you like to stay her with me?"

Rosa nods her head tears still running down her face. She shifts to wolf and grandma freeuh settles her into bed under the covers. Freeuh strokes her soft fur and Rosa falls asleep in the warmth and comfort of her arms.

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