68. Rosa yes

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After a fun day with Shuri you go home and go to bed. The next day you're bored so you decide to play a game with Phoenix. You teach her how to play hide n seek.


Phoenix calls to you.


You call back. This is what you taught Phoenix to do to find you if she's having trouble finding you. She hops over to your hiding place and exclaims.

"Get webbed!"

"Good job"

"Good girl. Get webbed! Good girl! What doing? Good girl! Mwaaa!"

You laugh,

"Yes Phoenix, you're a very good girl"

You spend a couple weeks on Asgard after that and when you come back it's snowing hard.

You sit down on the roof and play in the snow. Dad goes to the other side of the roof and starts building a wall of snow. You do the same and mom puts her hands on her hips

"Really you two?"

~Aka POV~

You look at your two jotens playing in the snow. The wind blows and Phoenix snuggles deeper into your jacket. You take her inside and come back out to get Loki and Rosa.

Wrapping your a jacket tighter around yourself you call to them.

"Guys come on! It's the middle of a storm for goodness sake!"

They either ignore you or don't hear you. A snowball from an unknown location hits you. You make two snowballs, one for Loki and one for Rosa and hit them both flat in the face.

You turn and go inside. You don't know what you were thinking trying to break up a snowball fight between those two.

~Rosa POV~

You and dad drag yourselves inside and flop on the couches still laughing. You must've played in the snow for hours because it was dark when you decided to come inside.

The thing that gets you up is your hunger and it seems that dad has the same idea because you get up practically in sinc. You open the fridge and fill your arms with random snacks that sound good.

Together, you and dad clear out both fridges and the upstairs freezer. Tony comes into the kitchen to see you and dad sitting on the floor in joten form chowing down on the random items and stops.

"Hey Neytiri, that's my chocolate pudding"

You are enjoying the pudding and are certainly not giving it up so you put another bite in your mouth, look Tony in the eyes, and growl.

He backs away slowly. Smart.


After the last day of Asgardian middle school you go back to the tower. You spend more and more time with Nyle. You love summer and summer activities but it is dangerous with you being half joten.

One day you go to a pool with all of the team except dad. Nyle comes too. You get out of the pool and feeling really weak in the heat. You go over to where mom is sitting under an umbrella and drink all her lemonade.

"Rosa c'mon"

You fall to you knees next to her and lean your head on her chair, you feel awful.

"Mommy I don't feel good"

"what happened?"

You just shrug. Mom feels your forehead

"Oh no you're burning up"

Someone else comes over and feels your forehead, you don't know who. You couldn't even imagine opening your eyes.

"She's only slightly warmer than normal"

Mom responds

"Not for a joten"

After that your world goes black. It takes you a couple days to recover from that and you learn to be more careful in the heat. You ask Tony to add a cooling feature to your suit and he says it's already there.

A week later you're stressing about high school coming up even though it's still a month away. You're pacing in the lounge when Wanda walks in.

"Hey Rosa, what's wrong?"

"I'm just stressed about starting high school"

She takes both your hands and smiles

"It's gonna be okay, you got this. You're 14 and already going on avengers missions! What do a couple of kids have on you?"

You smile, she has a point.

"Now c'mon, let's make some cookies"

You and Wanda make a bunch of cookies and eat a good portion of them. When the rest of the team comes out you let them have all the cookies you want. You decide that you really like baking.

The next day you are out with Wanda when you see a big man covered in red tattoos. You don't know what the context is but he raises his arms in the air.

"No one can defeat me!"

You look him up and down.

"I bet I can"

Wanda elbows you and whispers

"Rosa no"

You smile and whisper back

"Rosa yes"

You step up to the man and he laughs down at you.

"This little girl? You could not even think of standing against the great drax the destroyer!"

He's got too big of an ego for your liking.

"Wanna bet?"

"I will not fight a little girl"

You're entirely fed up with this fool insulting you.

"Fine, I'll fight you for insulting me"

You punch him in the gut almost as hard as you can and he doubles over. You step back as he recovers.

"How can such a small creature be so powerful?"

He takes a swing at you but you easily dodge it. You weave between his legs and he seems to realize this is a real fight and he actually has to try.

He tries but the fight is short and ends with you in wolf form on top of him with your jaws around his neck putting slight pressure.

"Alright I yield!"

You let him go and shift to hybrid form. Two people, one Caucasian and one green, plus a raccoon holding a gun with a small sentient tree on his shoulder walk up to you.

You smile.

"What you wanna piece?"

The normal looking man speaks

"No thanks I'm good. Thanks for kicking his ass for me though, he needed it"


You walk back to Wanda with a grin on your face.

"What'd you think of that?"

She smiles brightly

"I think it's time for you to be an official avenger"

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