90. Roar

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~Angel Pov~

Angel sits up in the hammock and looks down into her big sister's area. She visits Rosa sometimes but it's always weird. Rosa isn't the same big sister that Angel used to know, ever since she came back she's been different. Always withdrawn and just different.

Angel misses her mother. Mom would know what to do. Angel doesn't know exactly what happened to her mother, just that she's not alive anymore. She spent all the time at her mother's funeral sobbing in the corner.

Angel wishes she could at least talk to her mother one more time. Maybe just have one more hug. Angel wonders about her mother and what happens after people die.

Angel remembers something. Dad told Angel once that when people die they're not gone forever. That their souls just go to a different place. He said that if they're a good person they go to Valhalla and that if they're a bad person they go to Hel.

Angel also remembers her grandma Frigga telling her about the spirit realm and that one day Angel would be able to travel there to help people because she was born to be a.. 'vallorie'?Angel remembers that Valhalla and Hel are both in the spirit realm.

Angel sits up in the hammock and closes her eyes feeling something powerful inside her. That feeling swirls and gurgles until right next to her, just outside the hammock, is a portal.


Angel looks over the edge of the hammock and down at her brother who is sitting on the couch looking up at her.

"What are you doing?"

Angel shrugs.

"I don't really know but I think I'm gonna find out"

Angel slides off the hammock and through the portal landing on dry cracked ground. The portal closes behind her.

She gets to her feet and immediately sees a big slimy creature with uncountable tentacles and pointy teeth. It's scramples towards her with horrible screeches and gnashing teeth. Angel has never seen anything like it.

She freezes in place, unsure what to do. The nasty thing reaches for her but there's a cyan blur that stops it. Before Angel even knows what happened the creature is down on the ground dead with a big cyan dragon standing over it.

The dragon turns and comes over to Angel shrinking to the size of a medium dog. The dragon is long and thin with four legs a set of neatly folded wings and a whip-like tail.


Angel holds out her hand to the dragon

"You're so pretty"

The dragon nudges her hand and then makes a circle around her and then stops in front of her and stands on its hind legs so it's at eye level. The dragon suddenly looks down at its shoulder where a new mark is appearing. The mark is a pair of wings and some tunes that Angel can't read.

Angel pets the dragon and the dragon climbs up onto her shoulders.

"What's your name little dragon?"

Angel hears the reply in her mind


"That's a pretty name, I'm here to find my mom, do you know where Valhalla is? I know my mom has to be there because Valhalla is for good people and my mom is the goodest person ever"

Eclipse hops off her shoulders and heads in one direction. Then she stops and turns back waiting for Angel to follow.

"I'll take that as a yes"

~Aka pov~

You are walking the halls of Valhalla by yourself when you se an unexpectedly familiar face.

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