47. Hydra

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~ Aka/sparks pov~

Interrogation of the man was easy, he was young and rather new to the organization. You're surprised they actually let this kid out onto the field. Apparently the plan was to kidnap the three of them. As if they could actually stand against Hela and Fenris.

The man gave away the location of a Hydra base that planned to have an attack soon. You toss the man in a cell and head up to plan with the team. You can't let those awful people get a hold of your baby.

You and the Team will attack the Hydra base, it's a big one so you'll need all your strength. You keep Rosa out of it because you know she will try to join the mission. Hela agrees to take her to Asgard while you're on the mission.

You try to get a good nights sleep because first thing tomorrow you leave.

~Rosa pov~

You wake up to big puppy jumping on you in her Midgardian form. You see auntie Hela standing there.

"Rosa, would you like to go on an adventure?"

You hop up out of bed


You love adventures. Auntie Hela leads you up to the roof but the quinjet isn't there. You quickly forget your concern when the three of you are sucked up by the bifrost. When you arrive on Asgard you run over to hiemdall and hug him, it's become a tradition for you.


He smiles down at you and pats your head.

"Greetings young one, welcome home princess Hela"

Hela nods once and big puppy shifts back to her Asgardian form. You and Hela climb on and ride to the woods. Hela shows you some of her favorite places in the woods and the two of you enjoy a nice joyride.

When the sun starts to set Hela looks concerned. You ask her what's wrong but she won't tell you. She takes you to the palace and you're pretty sure she communicates telepathically with grandma freeuh because she doesn't say a word but grandma nods and holds her arms out to you.

You run and hug her. You love grandma freeuh. She scoops you up and you see auntie Hela turn to leave determinedly.

"Wait! Aunt Hela! Where are you going?"

She turns around.

"It's alright little wolf, I'll be back soon"

She leaves and Grandma Freeuh gets you dinner. You're very hungry because you haven't eaten all day. You enjoy spending time with grandma Freeuh and telling her all about life at the tower and school and everything.

~Hela Pov~

Hela goes to the Bifrost with Fenris and heads back to Midgard. She goes to the place she knows the team went and sees the aftermath of the battle. The ground is littered with bodies, she scans the bodies but thankfully none of them are the people she has grown fond of.

She can travel back and fourth freely to Hel but she cannot go to Valhalla and she can't raise the dead without a piece of the eternal flame. Annoyingly, Odin has forbid her to use it. Not that she has wanted to, just that she doesn't like it when he puts limits on her.

She steps into the building and is immediately rushed by two agents. Fenris starts to follow but Hela stops her.

"Fenris darling, you have to stay out here, I don't want you in your midgardian form near these people."

Fenris whines and gives her puppy dog eyes.

"It's alright darling, I'll be back soon. If anyone attacks you just kill them"

Fenris sits down with a huff and Hela heads into the base. As waves of agents attack her she easily stabs them before they can even lay a finger on her. It feels good to be in battle again even if it's not a challenge.

The first person she comes across is Loki. He stabs an attacking agent and drops the body to the floor. He looks like he may have just escaped. He is disheveled and out of breath as he turns to Hela.

"Where are the others?"

Hela shrugs

"I do not know, I just arrived. What happened?"

"It was a trap and we fell right into it. We need to find the others"

Hela nods her agreement and the two of them head deeper into the fortress. Hela easily disposed of agents as they attack. The two of them go from door to door freeing the rest of the team and eventually they get everyone out.

Everyone except Aka that is. They checked every visible room but she was nowhere to be found. It is agreed that the other team members will head back to the tower and take care of themselves and each other. Most of them are weak and beat up. That includes Loki but he refuses to leave until he finds his wife.

~Aka/Sparks POV~

You don't know how long it's been. Hours? Days? Weeks? You lost your sense of time in this dark room. The hydra agents have been 'testing your durability' which has included various types of torture.

Somehow you can't hurt them. You try to fight back but they're so well prepared for your abilities that it does you no good. You lay on the cold floor in wolf form, hoping, praying, that somehow someone will find you. You're too weak to escape on your own now. You haven't had any food or water since you got here and you're regretting not eating breakfast.

The door swings open and you don't move from your position laying on your side on the floor. You close your eyes, you don't want to see their faces. You don't want to remember their faces. You hear footsteps approach you and then a hand softly stroking your fur.


It's Loki. It's actually Loki. You want to hug him, to thank him, to kiss him and be with him.  You want to get up and walk out of this place with him, but you can't do any of that. You're too weak to shift or even stand for that matter.

Loki comes around to the front of you and pets your face.

"Can you shift?"

You slightly shake your head. You nudge his hand and whine.

Please take me home

you don't think he heard your thought but he scoops you up into his arms and you set your head on his shoulder. He carries you out to the hallway and the last thing you hear is his voice that's so blurry you wish you could blink your ears.

"I found her!"

You loose consciousness.

~Loki pov~

I found her! I found her! It's the fourth hydra base we had to check and she was gone for a week total. I hold her close to me as we head back to the quinjet. I'm too weak to teleport and I feel like I've failed her.

The second we're on I set her down on the bed and banner starts checking her over and bandaging her wounds.

"She's severely dehydrated"

I fret, pacing in the quinjet. When we get back to the tower she's taken immediately to the medical ward. I follow and watch as Banner and Strange take care of her. I fall asleep next to her bed. I hadn't slept in a full week.

I wake up to the doctors rushing around her doing things as a machine beeps quickly. I stand up and a grown up version of Rosa pushes the doctors aside and gestures to me.

"Dad please help me"

She places her hands on Aka and I do the same. We combine our healing powers and work together to heal her. Soon her breathing steadies and she shifts to human form still unconscious. Her wounds heal before our eyes and when we stop she's looking a lot better.

I thank Rosa and Strange hugs her, she steps back into a portal and disappears. I'm relieved when she starts to come to. She's gonna be okay.

Self proclaimed monsters (Loki x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin